Daily Record


Monster hunters’ delight after tour boat sonar picks up large object at bottom of Loch Ness


THE “most compelling” evidence of the existence of Nessie has been recorded more than 500ft below the surface of the loch. Monster hunters are astounded by the clarity of the image of an object, estimated to be 33ft long – although an expert said it may just be a shoal of fish. The sonar image was captured by Cruise Loch Ness director Ronald Mackenzie while he was skippering a catamaran on Wednesday afternoon. The 49-year-old said: “It was a bit of a dreich day and we only had 12 passengers. We were at our halfway point off Invermoris­ton, where we turn around. The water is 189m (620ft) deep there.

“The passengers were quite excited because we had just spotted a sea eagle, but then I saw on the sonar something more eye-catching.

“It was right in the middle of the loch at about 170m (558ft) down. It was big – at least 10m (33ft). The contact lasted 10 seconds while we passed over.

“I’ve been on the loch since I was 16 years old and I have never seen anything like it.

“We have real state-of-the-art sonar on the new boat. It doesn’t lie. It captures what’s there.

“All the dots nearer the surface are shoals of Arctic char and deeper down there are ferox trout, so it gives you a good idea of the size of this large crescent shape.

“I believe there’s something in the loch that nobody knows what it is, be it a big eel or a sturgeon or a big fish of some sort – or even Nessie.”

Leading sonar expert Craig Wallace described the image as “100 per cent genuine”.

The marine robotics senior applicatio­n specialist said: “I do believe large sturgeon enter Loch Ness. It may be a sturgeon or a small shoal of fish.

“But it is certainly a fascinatin­g and interestin­g contact and without doubt it further adds to the debate about Nessie.”

Nessie expert Steve Feltham, who has set a world record for the longest vigil of looking for the Loch Ness Monster, said Ronald’s sonar image was the “most compelling” evidence of the existence of the legendary creature he had seen.

He said: “It is extremely exciting. I have known Ronald Mackenzie for 30 years. He’s a Highland lad who does not seek publicity and shies away from the fanciful Nessie theories.

“He’s not somebody who would cry wolf – or Nessie – but within seven minutes of getting the sonar contact, he messaged me.

“I definitely think Nessie is an animal. I think we are getting closer to finding the answer.”

The Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register has accepted eight sightings so far this year.

Among the most famous claimed sightings is a photograph taken in 1934 by Colonel Robert Kenneth Wilson, which was later exposed as a hoax.

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 ??  ?? CONTACT Spirit of Loch Ness catamaran was being skippered by Ronald Mackenzie, above right, when it captured the sonar image below during a sailing last week. Pictures: Peter Jolly
CONTACT Spirit of Loch Ness catamaran was being skippered by Ronald Mackenzie, above right, when it captured the sonar image below during a sailing last week. Pictures: Peter Jolly
 ??  ?? FAMOUS HOAX Colonel Robert Kenneth Wilson’s photo from 1934
FAMOUS HOAX Colonel Robert Kenneth Wilson’s photo from 1934

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