Daily Record




This healthy eating plan focuses on reducing your carbohydra­te intake and making sure the carbs you do eat are healthy. 2

Fill half your plate with vegetables, a quarter with protein such as chicken, tofu or eggs, and a quarter with unrefined carbs such as quinoa, brown rice or rye bread. Add a small amount of healthy fats – 1 tbsp olive oil or a quarter of an avocado. 3

But be careful what you choose. Opt for whole foods such as veggie sticks and hummus, a small portion of cheese and fruit, or natural yogurt with berries. Avoid ultra-processed snacks such as crisps or cakes.

calorie counting Create a balanced plate Snacking is allowed 4 Don’t ban chocolate

There are no strict guidelines around how often you can enjoy wine and chocolate. What’s important is learning to enjoy them as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

5 Go for complex carbs

Wholegrain varieties such as brown rice, oats and brown bread are better choices than refined carbs like white bread, white rice or sugary cereals. 6 Avoid ultra-processed foods This can include obvious ones such as cake or crisps, but also watch out for less obvious culprits such as shop-bought pasta sauces or cereal bars. Cooking from scratch is the best way to do this. 7

Avoid foods with added sugars by checking food labels and aim for unprocesse­d, simple ingredient­s. Sweetners such as agave, maltose, syrups, molasses and dextrose are all different sugars.

Beware hidden sugars 8 Drink more water

At least eight glasses a day. Our body often confuses thirst for hunger, so it’s important to stay well hydrated to help manage hunger levels. 9

When you eat, engage your senses by focusing on the taste, smell, colour and texture of your meal. This means turning off the TV, putting away your phone and eating at a table rather than your desk or sofa.

Remove distractio­ns 10 Build a sleep routine

We underestim­ate the impact sleep has on eating habits. Aim to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day. Limit screen time before bed and avoid caffeine after lunch.

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