Daily Record

Don’t be a telltale.. it will only end in tiers


HELLO from most of us in Scotland to Lockdown 2.

However, let’s face it, we’re all a bit fed-up, slightly confused and annoyed at everyone else at the moment.

But as we bunker down for the second push against the second wave, would you be a “tier telltale”?

What is the right thing to do when you think someone is breaking one of the Scottish Government’s restrictio­ns?

Is it worth your energy to raise it? Will it do any good? Or are we just all driving ourselves a bit mad?

Since I’ve opened up my life to people online, I’ve been getting a lot of stick – often only for doing what I do.

I understand people’s frustratio­ns but a lot of accusation­s we make about each other are based on assumption­s.

For example, the other day I was at a nail salon and a lot of angry people messaged me, saying things I cannot repeat.

I explained to a few that I live in Scotland now which, at that time, did not have the same lockdown restrictio­ns as England.

A few days after that, I was at a friend’s place dropping off some presents and took a video of our dogs playing with a toy llama (as you do).

More messages flooded in. I explained we are both in single households and in each other’s extended bubble.

There are so many opinions out there. Rules are changing fast but each individual is allowed to do certain things within reason – such as for work, education or health.

The pressure from other people has made this year so much more challengin­g.

We should not need to explain ourselves or be told off

I’ve just booked a major job in Dubai and it’s probably the biggest thing I’ve ever done.

But I considered turning it down even though internatio­nal travel to UAE for work purposes is not banned in Scotland.

The volume of abuse about this trip that will likely come my way made me doubt whether I should do it.

However, we shouldn’t need to always explain ourselves or be told off based on assumption­s.

I know a lot of rules have been broken this year but we’ve no idea the personal effort and struggles each person faces.

So, don’t be a “tier telltale” unless you have indisputab­le evidence.

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