Daily Record

All of Scotland thanks you for your skill and expertise, resilience and compassion

- BY MAGGIE RITCHIE reporters@dailyrecor­d.co.uk k

SELFLESS nurse Jennyenny Manson helps families through their darkest hour, supporting them when they lose a child.

The selfless health and care workers who put themselves on the frontline of the battle with Covid-19 earn well-deserved recognitio­n

Her devotion and profession­alism touched the hearts of the judges at the Scottish Health Awards and won her the Nurse Award.

This year, the awards shone a light on how much has been achieved under extraordin­ary circumstan­ces and how staff across all sectors rose to the challenge of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

In a message of congratula­tions, Health Minister Jeane Freeman said: “I want to thank you and your colleagues across Scotland for your skill and expertise, your resi l ience and compassion.”

Jenny, a community children’s nurse with NHS Dumfries & Galloway, was one of 16 winners announced at the awards ceremony, which was held virtually and hosted by Scots comedian Fred MacAulay.

Over the last two years, Jenny has delivered end-oflife care to children and support for their families – in one case making sure a young girl on a ventilator went home so she could spend her last days with her family and her beloved dog.

Jenny, who won the award in the Internatio­nal year of the Nurse and Midwife, said: “A family going through the worst possible thing in their lives took the time to nominate me and that is an absolute privilege.”

The Support Worker Award went to Ashley McGee, clinical support worker to the speech and language therapy team for the elderly at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Dundee.

While shielding during lockdown, she made welfare calls to patients to see how they were coping, offering compassion and support.

The Innovation Award was picked up by the vCreate COVID-19 Project Team at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, who, when the pandemic broke out, realised the importance of a secure cloud-based video service to send messages to patient families, and to receive videos of patients to allow remote care and diagnosis.

Their efforts have improved care in adult, paediatric and neonatal intensive care units, and ensured neurology services could be provided remotely. The Volunteers Award went to the Glasgow Recovery Communitie­s of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, where volunteers who are in recovery from drugs and alcohol help others to live healthier, safer lives and maintain recovery from addiction.

The Young Achiever Award was won by Colin McGill, who has a learning disabil i ty and, after attending an employabil­ity course for young people with disabiliti­es, secured a job as a porter at St John’s Hospital, NHS Lothian.

He said: “I’d like to thank the team for nominating me – I’m happy that they thought of me.”

The Midwife Award went to the Vulnerable in Pregnancy (VIP) Team at Victoria Hospital, NHS Fife. Throughout the pandemic, the team of eight have continued to provide safe, face-to-face care for women and families with vulnerabil­ities such as drug and alcohol misuse, learning disabiliti­es, teenage pregnancie­s, mental health challenges, and domestic violence.

Alex Kane, specialist paediatric

I have incredible colleagues. Everyone’s risen to the challenge DR PAULINE GROSE GLASGOW ROYAL INFIRMARY

physiother­apist, West Centre, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, won the Allied Health Profession­al Award.

She saw how children with complex neurologic­al conditions, such as cerebral palsy, need 24-hour postural care equipment to help them sleep at night.

The Integrated Care Award went to Sexual Health & Blood Borne Virus Managed Care Network – Eliminatin­g Hepatitis C, NHS Tayside.

The Care for Mental Health Award was won by NHS 24’s Mental Health Team, who expanded their services during the pandemic, providing acute interventi­ons over the telephone as well as webchat and digital self-help guides.

Strachur Hub won the Healthier Lifestyle Award. The community hub – a collaborat­ion between the practice nurse and members of the Patient Participat­ion Group – has improved the fitness and wellbeing of older and isolated people.

Catherine Shaw won Leader of the Year Award for her role as lead care practition­er in the north and west coast remote and rural support team, NHS Highland. She helped deliver the Covid- 19 response for Skye and Fort William.

Dr Pauline Grose, a consultant in acute medicine, won the Doctor Award for setting up the Covid-19 high dependency unit at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, which treated more patients with non-invasive ventilatio­n than the rest of the country combined.

She said: “I have incredible colleagues. Everyone has risen to the challenge and that includes all the health care workers throughout­hroughout the hospital.” Dr Mhairi Collie, consultant colorectal surgeon at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, won the Global Citizenshi­p Award for setting up the Ugandan Childbirth Injury Charity, which treats women who sustain dreadful injuries during childbirth and have no access to good obstetric care.

The Unsung Hero Award went posthumous­ly to Robert Devine, from Arbroath, a paramedic for 44 years with the Scottish Ambulance Service. He was nominated 16 times for outstandin­g service.

Community Pharmacy Teams across Scotland won the Top Team Award.

A new award, the People’s Choice Award, voted for by the public, recognises the amazing work of NHS Scotland and social care staff, and carers in responding to the pandemic.

It went to Dr Mun Wo o , a ss o c i a t e specialist at Inverclyde Royal Hospital’s Renal Unit, for keeping her dialysis patients safe during the pandemic.

She said: “I’m so grateful for this award, which will have a positive impact on not just the dialysis team but everyone involved in the care of the patients.”

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KIND Jenny Manson and, right, Ashley McGee
Dr Mun Woo, above. Right, volunteers
SPECIAL Physio Alex Kane
PUBLIC VOTE Dr Mun Woo, above. Right, volunteers SPECIAL Physio Alex Kane
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