Daily Record


Expert warns conditions could be biggest weather threat in nearly 10 years


SNOW and ice could cause carnage as the worst winter freeze in 10 years is set to hit Scotland.

A New Year yellow weather warning was issued north of the border ahead of a freezing Hogmanay.

And four inches of snow and sheet ice is expected to plague the UK as part of a cold snap which could see temperatur­es plummet as low as -15C.

Yesterday, snow showers across the country saw families take to the hills on sledges, while Inverness saw nearly nine inches of the white stuff on Wednesday.

The freezing conditions – sweeping in from Russia and Eastern Europe – could also disrupt rail and air services and people are being warned of possible power cuts and road closures and delays.

Jim Dale, meteorolog­ist for British Weather Services, said: “This is the greatest threat posed by the weather at this time of year since the big freeze of 2010/11.

“So far, snow has affected only some regions, but this will change over the next few days with more widespread, and at times heavy, wintry showers expected.”

Meteorolog­ists are keeping a close eye on the Baltic region amid growing fears the killer Beast from the East in 2018 could rear its ugly head.

High pressure over Greenland will

SNOW STOPPING A bin at an A9 layby keep milder Atlantic conditions at bay while funnelling Polar air in from Russia and the Baltic region.

Dale said: “The beast is getting closer and at the moment it is stretching its claws across from the east towards Britain.

“This is looking like turning into a lengthy cold spell lasting at least into the middle of January.”

The Government has issued weather warnings for the weekend as northerly winds batter Britain, and snow and ice alerts cover much of the Scotland for the next three days.

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LONG AND WINDING SNOWED A cyclist in East Renfrewshi­re. Pic: Jamie Williamson
HAPP Y DAYS Sledgin gin Edinbu rgh LONG AND WINDING SNOWED A cyclist in East Renfrewshi­re. Pic: Jamie Williamson

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