Daily Record

Rod resolution­s


THERE aren’t as many chimneys these days but Happy New Year and Lang May Your Lum Reek!

Hogmanay will have been a bit different for most, but as it’s all about seeing in the new then a street party isn’t really a necessity and I’ll be a bit less bleary when I sit down to think of keeping that resolution to eat healthily and not start the year off with a fry up.

Fishing resolution­s, though, they’re less like a chore...

Species list

Every year I like to have a target list: catching something for the first time, learning a technique, picking a water I’d love to fish or chasing a specific achievemen­t keeps me keen. There’s been a 6lb+ Scottish tench in my sights for a long time I might never get there but I’ll make sure I attempt it each season.

Tie more flies

You could be sat on the couch watching the TV, but if you drag the vice out to tie flies you end up a finished product too. You can fill a box pretty quickly. Look up the pattern and do a bit of reading on how and why you’d fish it, then when you do hook one by luck it all seems like a plan coming together.

Get organised

I’ve got a wishlist of tackle I want to upgrade, but I’ve also acquired duplicate forceps, zingers and the like along the way. The little things that you’re 100 per cent sure are in your bag. So you wind up making do, borrowing or buying another one when you realise they’re missing.

If you’ve got a bit of free time, you can sort through your tackle box and get it back in order. Every little bit helps and could prevent a headache. The smoother that first trip of the year is, the better.

Take a camera

Anglers are notorious for stories about the big fish with no hard evidence. Keeping a cheap digital camera or a waterproof case for your phone in your kit should mean you’ve got it handy for that special catch. I’m not to be trusted with holding an unprotecte­d phone over the loch but I’m determined to use my GoPro more, keep it charged and make wearing it part of my routine like a lifejacket or a wading belt.

Fish more

Most people should fish more, it’s good for the soul. Get out of the office, step away from the screens and make time to get on the water. It doesn’t need to be an elaborate trip, the car doesn’t need to be laden with gear, you can get an hour or two pretty much any time and excuses are too easy to find.

As to-do lists mount and work responsibi­lities add up, angling opportunit­ies will dwindle, but don’t wait for the perfect day to fish. Those days are rare so you may as well fish when you can and get out in the fresh, wet and windy air.

 ??  ?? BANK ON FISHING Make time to get out on the water more often
BANK ON FISHING Make time to get out on the water more often

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