Daily Record

Time for swift action and a clear message to halt Covid spread


THE Scottish Government has got a lot wrong in its handling of education during this pandemic, causing problems for itself and everyone else by delaying decisions in an attempt to protect at least the illusion of maximum normality.

It has been the wrong approach from the start but sticking to it now would be disastrous. Hoping for the best is absolutely fine, planning for it is not – and that’s before you even factor in a deadly, once-in-a-lifetime (we hope) pandemic.

The best thing the Government can do is provide as much clarity as possible. We’ve enough uncertaint­y to deal without adding even more fuel to the Covid fire.

If Nicola Sturgeon cannot absolutely guarantee that children will be back in school on January 18 (which she cannot possibly do under the circumstan­ces) then she must tell the country to plan for a longer period of home and online learning – perhaps until the February holidays. If circumstan­ces improve, we can rapidly reopen schools when safe to do so. It’s not just that teachers need this informatio­n, lots of parents – especially those without the luxury of working online – will require it in order to have discussion­s with their employers.

Nobody thinks this is in any way an ideal situation. It will put pressure on parents, pupils and teachers but it is the only responsibl­e course of action while we are facing rapidly rising infection rates and the threat of a mutated virus which transmits much more easily via children.

As ever, the Government is under pressure to keep schools open but now more than ever the First Minster needs to face down those who would use kids as casino chips, gambling with public health for political gain.

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