Daily Record

Lowest of the low

Scumbag steals telly from church after pastor helped him furnish his new flat


A CAREER criminal has been branded “the lowest of the low” for stealing from a kind-hearted pastor who helped furnish his home.

Gareth Dale, 42, broke into the Life Church in Paisley’s Moss Street and stole a TV after befriendin­g the minister.

He has been jailed for six months.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Dale, who has more than 60 previous conviction­s for crimes of dishonesty, had approached pastor Chris Greenhalgh, and secured donations of furniture from the church, before targeting the place of worship on February 18 last year.

Abbas Ali, prosecutin­g, told the court: “Dale had previously asked Mr Greenhalgh to help him obtain furniture for his new flat.

“At 10.28pm, the alarm was activated at the church. Police attended and observed the entrance appeared to have been entered by force.

“They searched the property but found no persons within – and there didn’t appear to be any damage to the premises.”

However, the pastor later noticed the church’s TV had been stolen in the break-in.

The court heard he reviewed CCTV footage and spotted Dale taking the television.

Mr Ali said: “Mr Greenhalgh then attended the home of the accused and identified the TV set stolen in the accused’s bedroom.

“He recovered his stolen property and reported the matter to police, who reviewed the CCTV footage, which showed the accused entering and leaving with the TV set.”

When police went to Dale’s flat in the town’s Albion Street, he confessed, telling officers: “I was in a really bad place. It was probably a cry for help.

“I am really embarrasse­d about it.”

Dale pled guilty to a charge of breaking into the Life Church and stealing a TV.

Charlie McCusker, defending, described his client as a “vulnerable man” who has been blighted by a long-term addiction to drugs.

He said: “The Life Church was helping him and he accepts that. They went to his flat and recovered the TV.

“When police attended, he made admissions where he took full responsibi­lity.

“He was under the influence at the time and has little recollecti­on of the event.”

He urged the court to spare his client custody given his “vulnerabil­ity” and added he had showed “clear remorse” for his actions.

Sheriff Suhkwinder Gill told Dale: “You are obviously a man with no morals. This is the lowest of the low.”

She added that, given his previous conviction­s, the only suitable sentence was one of custody.

 ??  ?? TARGET Life Church in Paisley and, left, pastor Greenhalgh. Main pic, Dale, who has more than 60 previous conviction­s
TARGET Life Church in Paisley and, left, pastor Greenhalgh. Main pic, Dale, who has more than 60 previous conviction­s

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