Daily Record

Eat your way to better health

It’s never been more important to strengthen your immune system a stay well – and it all starts with yo says nutritioni­st Kate Llewellyn


There has never been a more crucial time to talk about immunity and what we can do to strengthen our natural defences. The immune system is our biological defence system – it’s made up of many different cells, organs and tissues that work together, patrolling the body and defending against invaders.

Each person’s immune system is unique and is influenced by a host of factors, from genetics to the environmen­t.

However, everyone can take steps to support it, and one of the easiest places to start is with diet.


Your immune system defends your body against bacteria, viruses and fungi, which cause illness and disease. With one in two people predicted to get cancer at some point in their lives, a good immune system is vital as it has the ability to destroy cancer cells.

A strong immune system eliminates the toxins and chemicals we are exposed to throughout the course of each day and helps to prevent autoimmune diseases and allergies.

In fact, our immunity is closely associated with every area of our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

But fast-paced modern life, chronic stress, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and pollution all pose a threat to a healthy immune system.


There is a significan­t amount of interactio­n between the body’s immune system and the gut microbiome, recent research has found.

About 70 per cent of our immune cells live in the gut.

It is also home to trillions of microbes that make up the human microbiome.

In fact, the gut microbiome is now regarded as an organ in its own right, often referred to as the “second brain”.

Our microbes live off the food we eat, and through nutrition and lifestyle choices we have the ability to control and re-establish any missing microbes.

To do this, we need to focus on eating a diet that promotes diverse gut bacteria. This will help us build a strong and balanced immune system, while protecting us from infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases and allergies.


A balanced and nutrient-dense diet is crucial to support our immune system.

Research has shown that the developmen­t and optimal functionin­g of our immunity is directly influenced by our diet.

In addition, any deficiency or excess of certain nutrients can affect the number and activity of immune cells – therefore balance is vital.

And as well as ensuring healthy immunity, a balanced diet is also the key for good gut health. There is nothing complicate­d about a balanced diet and you don’t need expensive ingredient­s or complicate­d recipes either.

Follow the golden rules here and then try some of the delicious immune-boosting recipes.

Extracted by Debbi Marco from The Immunity Cookbook by Kate Llewellyn-Waters (£20, Quadrille)

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