Daily Record

I’ve got a nose for cup glory

Kerr can taste silver after beating Covid


JASON KERR is relieved his sense of smell has come back following a bout of Covid – as he’s now getting a whiff of cup success.

The St Johnstone skipper revealed he was laid low with the virus earlier this month but he was confined to the house and there was no outbreak among the rest of the squad.

Kerr returned to help end their two-month winless run against St Mirren but he’s got his sights – and his nose – on Hampden this weekend.

The Perth side square up with Hibs for a place in the Betfred Cup Final and the defender is dreaming of trophy glory after spending a week in his bed.

Kerr said: “I phoned the club as soon as I got symptoms so I didn’t come in and then my test came back positive.

“It was good that it didn’t spread through the squad and we could keep on playing and get a few results.

“I lost my smell and my taste. It was a bit different to a cold but the worst bit was having to sit in my house for 10 days doing nothing.

“I’ve been watching every game and cheering on the boys but it’s torture when you’re in the house watching it on your own.

“I don’t actually know where I got it so it shows just how careful everybody needs to be – wash your hands and wear your mask. It’s proof it can get anyone.

“The more positive results that come back the greater chance of football shutting down again and we really don’t want that to happen.”

Kerr is glad St Johnstone have their taste for winning again after Chris Kane’s strike against St Mirren sorted out a 10-game slump.

Now he wants to follow in the footsteps of McDiarmid heroes who lifted the Scottish Cup seven years ago.

Kerr, 23, said: “I was a young boy at the club at the time. I know how much it meant to Steven MacLean and Stevie May who are still at the club, and how much it meant to the fans.

“It’ll be good to have Macca and Stevie’s experience in the build-up. They know what it takes to win a semi – and a final. It’s a big chance.

“I know it’s a different competitio­n but this win will give us a lot of confidence.

“It’s a winnable game. We all know that. We know we’re good enough to beat Hibs.

“It will be my first semifinal and I’m buzzing for it. I hope it leads to my first final.

“We’ve got a squad here that is good enough to go and win this trophy.”

Saturday’s win helped erase the painful memories of Kerr’s last bash with the Buddies before Christmas.

The ban was followed by the virus so he was back after a month and steering the side to a crucial win.

St Mirren howled – rightly – at a Guy Melamed handball in the build-up to the winner and the two soft yellow cards that saw Cammy MacPherson sent off.

But the Perth Saints did enough to edge it and Kerr added: “I’ve been sent off before in my career but that one was the worst feeling.

“This definitely feels a lot better. It was scrappy but it’s a win. We knew how much a win meant, both in terms of the league which is getting tighter and going into our semi-final.”

 ??  ?? ONE TO SAVOUR Kane after grabbing the winner and Kerr, below right
ONE TO SAVOUR Kane after grabbing the winner and Kerr, below right

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