Daily Record

How to boost numbers of our garden critters

Dr Dan Hoare tells what you can do at home that will help butterflie­s and insects thrive

- Hannah Stephenson

NATIVE butterflie­s are in decline, according to a recent study of European species in the scientific journal PNAS.

Overall, numbers have fallen by 50 per cent since 1976 and seven out of 10 British species are disappeari­ng, such as grass feeders like the small skipper, common blue, small blue, small copper and small heath, according to the charity Butterfly Conservati­on (butterfly-conservati­on.org).

But you can help them by “rewilding” your garden and, even in the middle of winter, it’s not too early to start planning.

Dr Dan Hoare, co-author of the research paper, explained: “Going wild in your garden is absolutely the right approach.”

He recommends six key steps to rewilding your plot to help these insects thrive again.

1 Let grass go wild

“Introduce small flower species to your lawn by letting your grass grow longer and wilder,” he said. “Put away the mower and let your lawn grow between April and July.”

He conceded that some gardeners who want a neater space will be reluctant to let their beloved lawn grow to huge proportion­s but said you can do your bit by just leaving a smaller area untouched.

“Could you leave a patch at the end of the garden to grow longer? I have two kids who want to run around on the lawn all summer. I leave a long patch in the centre and then have a doughnut-shaped short bit that I mow and they run around that.”

Leaving the grass long provides space for caterpilla­rs of grass feeders like the speckled wood butterfly and gatekeeper. He said sprinkling wildflower seeds into your wilder lawn could help but might not be needed.

“Are you getting clovers, dandelions and bird’s foot trefoil in your lawn, native flower plants which will contribute to pollinator­s including butterflie­s and bees? If so, you won’t need to add very much.”

2 Go native

“Get as many native plants which grow wild into your garden as you can,” said Hoare. “We have lists on our website you can choose from but typical plants include bird’s foot trefoil, yarrow, clovers, trees and shrubs which are good nectar sources, such as willow and ivy, and blackthorn in your hedge, instead of leylandii or laurel.”

3 Don’t use pesticides

“Obviously, pesticides are designed to kill insects,” he warned. “We’re putting toxic chemicals all over our gardens, where we’re sitting having a picnic or playing with our kids. In most cases, they’re not needed.

“If you have a healthy ecosystem of insects visiting your garden, it should keep the balance of nature going – wasps and ladybirds will eat the aphids,” he added.

4 Turn your garden lights off

“Light pollution is a huge problem for a range of wildlife including moths, bats and birds. There’s been a huge proliferat­ion in LED and solar lights which charge up in the day and stay on all night, when you’re not actually using the garden.

“Lighting at night disrupts the natural life cycles and rhythms of huge numbers of wildlife. Some butterflie­s migrate at night but it has more of an impact on moths.

“A lot of insects change their daily patterns of feeding, mating and migrating when they go into hibernatio­n. All of those are determined by the pattern of daylight.

“Moths will get attracted to light sources which stay on all night and they will stay near the light and consequent­ly starve to death because they can’t feed normally.”

5 Share your efforts with neighbours

“Explain to your neighbours that you’re not neglecting your lawn, you’re rewilding it. I put a sign on my front gate to explain what we’re doing.”

6 Look beyond the garden gate

“Talk to your council about the way they are mowing their road verges, or talk to your neighbours to scale up. If what you’re doing in your garden is working, spread the message.”

The number of butterflie­s native to the UK have dwindled by up to 50 per cent
DECLINING The number of butterflie­s native to the UK have dwindled by up to 50 per cent

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