Daily Record


Negotiatio­n is key part of candidate’s vision


LABOUR leadership contender Monica Lennon has warned it would be “arrogant” to tell Scots they can’t have another referendum on their future.

She backs a devo max option appearing on any IndyRef2 ballot in a bid to make Scotland the best place in the world for workers.

In an interview with the Record, she blasted “hurtful” sexism inside her own party and claims that she lacks the experience for the top job.

Lennon, Scottish Labour’s health spokeswoma­n, is going head-to-head with fellow MSP Anas Sarwar for the Scottish Labour leadership after Richard Leonard resigned.

The 40-year-old, from Blantyre in Lanarkshir­e, is known for steering through a pioneering law through Holyrood to combat period poverty.

On her leadership bid, she said: “I have shown you can get world-leading legislatio­n even when the odds are against you – and I know the odds are against me in this campaign. But that makes me more determined.”

Sarwar has ruled out supporting IndyRef2 for five years, but Lennon believes voters’ wishes can’t be ignored.

Although the Central Scotland MSP believes the priority is coming through the pandemic with “radical” reforms, she said Labour can’t “run away” from a referendum:

Lennon said: “My starting point is Scotland is sovereign. I believe in the principle of self-determinat­ion.

“I’m not advocating a referendum, it’s not my policy. But if, at any point in the future, there is to be a referendum, Scottish Labour needs to be an active participan­t in that and we need to shape that debate, shape the question, shape the discussion.

“I’m not in favour of independen­ce, but I am in favour of democracy, and that means Scottish Labour has to listen to what people are saying, and not be arrogant and tell people they just can’t have things.

“If people in Scotland want a referendum, they should have that it. What I want to do, as Scottish Labour leader, is ensure radical social and economic reform is on the ballot paper.”

Lennon cites control of drug laws and employment legislatio­n as “extra levers” to beef up Holyrood’s powers:

She added: “In terms of achieving the economic reform we need to see, issues around employment also have to come to the Scottish Parliament, where we can really push ourselves to be world-leading on working conditions and health and safety.

“If we are ambitious about bringing more power to Scotland, what I would want to see is minimum standards across the UK. We don’t want a race to the bottom. I want a race to the top.”

Sarwar described May’s election as a “staging post” and said coming second would be progress.

Lennon said: “I’m not going to tell

I’m a new generation of leader – I’m not tied up in the party’s past MONICA LENNON LOOKS TO FUTURE FOR LABOUR

people there is a cap on my ambition, that we are settling for a certain number of MSPs, or to come second. We have a golden opportunit­y to change people’s minds and connect with voters – not tell them what they can and can’t have.”

During the period poverty campaign, Lennon worked across the political divide to pressurise the Scottish Government. She said this would be similar to her approach as leader, adding: “I am open to listening, working and collaborat­ing. That’s grown-up politics. That’s what people expect to happen.”

However, Sarwar has significan­t support in the MSP group, unlike Lennon. Asked whether this would make leading the party difficult, she said: “A

nomination doesn’t equate to a vote. I just ask people to keep an open mind.”

On questions about her experience for the job, she said: “How much experience do you need in life? I’ve been working for 20 years. I’ve got a 14-year-old daughter. I’ve got a family. I became a councillor in 2012. Many people think councillor­s don’t matter, and being an MP or an MSP does – that’s rubbish. I’ve got tons of experience on the frontline of politics.”

She added: “Men and women look at job adverts and men think they can do about half the job or 60 per cent and stick in their applicatio­n. Women think they need to do 100 per cent before they apply.” Asked if Scottish Labour is a friendly place for women, she said: “Not friendly enough.”

She ended: “I’m a new generation of leader. I’m not tied up in the party’s past. I’m focused on the party’s future.”

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RED RIVALS Monica Lennon is up against Anas Sarwar, above, in Labour leader contest
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