Daily Record

Lennon’s old sparring partners reckon Celts boss just needed to let off steam THE LAST BLAST


THEY’RE two managers who have felt the full wrath of a fizzing Neil Lennon.

Craig Levein and Jim Duffy were fierce rivals and in the firing line when the Northern Irishman went public with double-barrelled broadsides while in charge at Hibs. So both had their ears pricked when the Celtic boss went off on a scattergun blast on Monday.

Levein was in direct opposition to Lennon when tensions in the Edinburgh derby were stoked by the former Hearts gaffer’s ‘Natural Order’ jibe.

Lennon fired back dubbing Levein’s comments “a crock of c**p” and public barbs were commonplac­e, particular­ly in the run up to derby clashes.

Levein said: “Neil has found himself in a difficult situation and I believe the press conference was a result of exasperati­on and him reaching a point where he needs to vent to get some frustratio­n out.

“He’s gone from one difficult situation to another and that’s not just on the park. I don’t know if his press conference was a deflection tactic. I really have no idea if that’s what his intention was – whether he has come in with something scripted or just simply had enough and decided to throw some punches back.

“I can understand his frustratio­n. According to supporters it’s the most important season they’ve ever had – and if

there’s one season you wanted things to go smoothly then this was it.

“And there’s been things outwith his control that have hampered his attempts to get a lengthy run going.

“This stuff with all the players self-isolating is only the latest example. You could throw it back and say if they hadn’t gone (to Dubai) they wouldn’t be in this position. You never know.

“But Neil as a manager is desperate to do things he knows have been successful for him in the past. It’s worked well for him after January so he’s going to be pushing as hard as possible to get his players over to Dubai.

“The decision not to go should have been made by somebody else. It’s easy in hindsight. But if you take a step back from it then as manager of course Neil will want to take the players back to Dubai.

“Maybe with the way the situation is right now with the pandemic and lockdown there

should have been some other discussion­s at board level to see if it was the right thing to do.

“Or maybe it comes back to the Scottish government granting them permission to go.

“Neil is a sound guy, honest and a very good manager.

“Nothing that happened between us when we were in opposition dugouts in Edinburgh was taken seriously – certainly not by me.

“There were little jabs and playful clips across the back of the head but that was it. Neil can certainly stand up for himself !”

Duffy was Morton manager when, in 2017, he found himself front and centre of an astonishin­g press conference rant from Lennon after a touchline barney at Easter Road that saw both cop a two-game ban.

A visibly enraged Hibs boss went off on one about Duffy, his defence of Kudus Oyenuga’s challenge on Darren McGregor that sparked the rammy, and the media.

It was strikingly similar to the ferocity of Monday’s tirade.

Duffy said: “Over the years Neil has had a few times when he has let rip. That’s not because he’s been under pressure or on his last days as some are suggesting.

“That’s just because he felt it was the right thing to do. It’s his personalit­y.

“He has been quite calm this season so when he has a point to make and puts it the way he did on Monday it’s almost as if it takes everyone by surprise.

“Whether I agree with it or not is immaterial. He knows what went on in Dubai.

“Neil I think felt aggrieved and was wanting to get his view across. Too many people sit on the fence and try to keep everyone onside.

“Football is an emotive sport. Sometimes emotions run high and it’s Neil’s choice how he wanted to broach this.

“What happened between us four years ago never bothered me in the slightest.

“Everyone reacts differentl­y to situations. Some will say something privately, some publicly and others will grit their teeth and say nothing.

“We played each other the following week which was probably the best thing. We had a wee laugh and shook hands. That was it.

“In fact a few months later we were at a Noel Gallagher concert at the Hydro.

“I took him and Irene home after it and dropped them off. It wasn’t mentioned once.

“It was never mentioned again ever.”

 ??  ?? SPATS JUST NORMAL Levein, above, and Duffy, below, had a Lennon run-in
SPATS JUST NORMAL Levein, above, and Duffy, below, had a Lennon run-in
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? NOTHING PERSONAL Duffy and Lenny still get on well
NOTHING PERSONAL Duffy and Lenny still get on well

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