Daily Record

Celebratio­n of Sir Tom


CAPTAIN Sir Tom Moore’s life will be celebrated on what would have been his 101st birthday.

His daughter Hannah Ingram-Moore said the event on April 30 “will truly celebrate his generosity of spirit”.

Sir Tom captured hearts during the first lockdown when he walked 100 laps of his garden, raising more than £32million for the NHS. He passed away with Covid-19 on February 2.

COMIC book tycoon Mark Millar downed a nine-yearold can of Irn-Bru after finding a stash in his cellar.

Millar, 51, was delighted to discover a batch of original recipe Irn-Bru after revealing he had stopped drinking it when the secret recipe changed.

The creator of movies Kick-Ass and Kingsman tweeted: “Just found 23 cans of original formula Irn Bru when we were cleaning out the cellar. The catch? They’re NINE YEARS OLD! Do I still DRINK THEM ???? ”

After fans encouraged him, he announced: “Right. I’m drinking these cans. I’ll let you know how it goes.”

Millar added: “Just drunk one. It tasted like water with large metal grains, but I persisted and finished one can as I PAID for these nine years back.”

COCAINE use in Scotland has soared in the past five years while heroin has seen a sustained fall, figures reveal.

The Scottish drugs misuse database shows a 14 per cent increase between 2015-16 and 2019-20 in cocaine and crack cocaine among users who reported taking drugs in the past month.

Cocaine is now the second most popular main drug, behind heroin.

Between 2006-07 and 2015-16, cocaine was the main drug of between five and eight per cent of users. But that figure rose to 21 per cent in the most recent year.

Heroin has seen a fall as a user’s main drug since 2006-07, when it was the leading drug for 63 per cent of reported users. That dropped to 42 per cent in 2019-20.

Reported use of the opiate as a main drug among those under the age of 25 has dropped significan­tly, from 58 per cent in 2006-07 to 18 per cent in 2019-20.

The database also found the average age of users coming forward for specialist treatment was rising, with 29 per cent over the age of 35 in 2006-07 compared with 54 per cent in 2019-20.

Doctors have called for considerat­ion to be given to decriminal­ising drugs as well as the developmen­t of safe consumptio­n rooms in major population centres to address the growing drug deaths problems.

A report published by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh pushed for both the Scottish and UK Government­s to take more action to counter the socio-economic issues related to problem drug use.

 ??  ?? GENEROUS Sir Tom Moore
GENEROUS Sir Tom Moore
 ??  ?? DELIGHTED Irn-Bru fan Mark
DELIGHTED Irn-Bru fan Mark
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