Daily Record



rather than have to stump up a fortune for regular Covid testing and then pay up even more to bring their playing squads out of the government’s furlough scheme.

That sparked crisis talks across both divisions last night as they decide whether or not to call for the current campaigns to be declared null and void.

And there could be even more chaos ahead for the immediate future of this season’s Scottish Cup if a decision is now made to pull the plug on one or both of the lower tiers.

To further complicate matters six Highland League clubs are still involved in the delayed early rounds of the SFA’s crown jewel competitio­n.

They’ve all been granted permission from Holyrood to return to action in knockout stages even though their own league remains suspended.

It’s strongly suspected both the Highland and Lowland League will be left with no viable option but to shut themselves down until the summer.

That very scenario is also looking likely further up the pyramid following the FM’s announceme­nt. And there are also concerns that the women’s Premier League will also choose to stay shut down rather than swallow the costs of weekly swabs for all players.

League Two could be the first to fall on the back of yesterday’s decision. All 10 clubs were engaged in talks to decide whether or not to ask the SPFL to press ahead with producing a fixture list –which could see some clubs forced to play four games in the space of a week between now and the end of the season.

In order to null and void the campaign eight of the 10 will be required to reach a consensus.

A Hampden source told us last night: “The idea of returning to play was probably a lot more attractive than the reality which these clubs are now having to consider. They are now dealing with the reality and it’s throwing up a whole range of seriously difficult issues.

“It’s hard to imagine how League Two can complete a 27-game season but it might be easier for them to find consensus to call it a day than it will be for the clubs in League One.

“If just three clubs in League One decide to play on then the SPFL will have to publish a fixture list for the remainder of a 27-game season – even if the other seven would prefer not to bother. It’s all looking increasing­ly chaotic.”

League Two chiefs held a meeting last night but there are splits across the board.

Elgin chairman Graham Tatters told Record Sport: “It’s good news the government says we can get back – but it opens a whole new can of worms.

“There are clubs who don’t want to play, there are others who want to squeeze in the 27 games and some who would try to get 18 in.

“But to change the number of games it would take a SPFL resolution as the clubs voted down the proposal for the league to be able to make decisions.

“The plan at present regarding testing is just ridiculous for a start.

“It will cost clubs more than £30,000 to test before games for a start and that’s on top of having to bring players back from furlough.”

The SFA welcomed the FM’s announceme­nt with president Rod Petrie promising to thrash out a new fixture schedule for the Scottish Cup.

But we’ve learned that could involve asking a number of clubs to step aside with their prize money intact if they are unable to play on.

Petrie said: “Revised Scottish Cup fixture dates will be announced as soon as possible. The SPFL and SWF will also update on the respective league fixture schedules in due course.”

 ??  ?? RIDICULOUS Graham Tatters
RIDICULOUS Graham Tatters

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