Daily Record

I Count on Laidlaw to keep us on right track


BY SCOTT BURNS JOHN HUGHES thinks Ross Laidlaw has been Ross County’s No.1 in every way this season.

The keeper has fought off strong competitio­n from Ross Doohan and Joe Hilton to keep hold of the gloves in Dingwall.

Hughes also reckons his keeper has been a model of consistenc­y since he took over at the helm.

Yogi said: “He’s probably been our most consistent player since I have come to the club and that’s all credit to big Rosco.

“He’s a player I like for a number of reasons. He keeps his head down, doesn’t say too much, is humble, trains very well.

“He looks after the other young keepers, there is a good rapport amongst them and that’s showing on the pitch.

“He made one mistake against Motherwell but you put up with that for what else he brings, he’s been different class since I came to the club.”

Hughes reckons that intense fight to keep top spot has seen Laidlaw really excel.

He was a standout in the weekend defeat to former club Hibs and will be looking to reproduce that form when County head to St Johnstone this weekend.

Hughes said: “Having competitio­n for places is very important, if you don’t have that you sit back and rest on your laurels.

“And big Joe Hilton coming in, the two of them really work with each other. There are four keepers and the coach Scott Thomson. You know what they’re like, they’re all in a wee clique but they work very hard.

“What I like is when they make a save in training they celebrate, they love to make these saves, they care, even in training. That’s coming in now all over the pitch.”

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