Daily Record


»»Tragic Stuart’s dad welcomes new arrest »»Police: Someone at party knows truth


STUART Lubbock’s father hopes he will get to see justice after a man was arrested on suspicion of his son’s murder at Michael Barrymore’s house.

Former TV star Barrymore and others at the 2001 party where Stuart was found dead in the pool are set to be quizzed after a 50-year-old was held on Wednesday.

Terry Lubbock, who has terminal cancer, said: “I will continue to fight for justice until my last breath.”

Barrymore, 68, has always denied any involvemen­t in Stuart’s death.

Essex Police said a witness provided “significan­t new informatio­n” after a fresh appeal for informatio­n about Stuart’s death almost 20 years ago.

A friend said Terry will only be satisfied when those responsibl­e for his son’s death are jailed.

Terry, 76, said the pain of losing his son was “still very strong”.

He said: “Of course I’m happy. But it’s been 20 years. This has nearly killed me. This has put me in hospital and I’ve only got a few weeks to live.

“I’m extremely ill with cancer, but I won’t give up on Stuart until I die.”

Stuart, 31, suffered internal injuries, suggesting he was sexually assaulted.

The party in Roydon, Essex, on March 31, 2001, was attended by eight guests plus Barrymore.

The suspect was arrested in Cheshire “in connection with the indecent assault and murder of Stuart Lubbock” and has been bailed until April 12 as the probe continues.

Detective Supt Lucy Morris said at Essex Police HQ in Chelmsford: “The arrest comes after significan­t new informatio­n came to light following our renewed appeal for informatio­n and offer of an enhanced reward, which coincided with a major TV documentar­y broadcast in February.

“This informatio­n has led to us making an arrest and over the coming days we will be contacting all those present at the party at the time as well as others who may have informatio­n. We believe someone or some people at that party know what happened.”

She added: “We have never given up on finding out exactly what happened to Stuart, and we will not stop in our pursuit of justice. “Nine people were at that party. We know not everyone was responsibl­e for what happened, but someone was.” And in a new appeal for further informatio­n, she added: “Now is the time to come forward.”

On the night of Stuart’s death, Barrymore was at the Millennium nightclub in Harlow with thenboyfri­end Jonathan Kenney before inviting Stuart and others home.

At 5.46am another guest, Justin Merritt, 46, dialled 999 to say a “geezer” had drowned in the pool. Police did not secure the scene, after appearing to accept that meat factory supervisor Stuart drowned after drinking heavily and taking cocaine and ecstasy.

Only after a post-mortem later that day found Stuart, of Harlow, had suffered the internal injuries was a murder probe launched. Barrymore was given a caution in October 2001 for drug offences but no further charges were brought. Mr Kenney and Mr Merritt were also arrested on suspicion of murder and later released without charge.

All three were arrested on suspicion of murder and rape in 2007 but were later released without charge.

Harry Clichy, a friend of the

I’m very ill with cancer but I won’t give up on Stuart until my death TERRY LUBBOCK WHOSE SON DIED AT STAR’S HOME

-Lubbock family, said: “Of course this is progress. We can only hope it leads to justice for Stuart after all these years. Terry has been through 20 years of hell.”

Essex Police timed the offer of a £20,000 reward last year to coincide with Channel 4 documentar­y, Barrymore: The Body In The Pool. Det Chief Insp Stephen

Jennings, who is spearheadi­ng the new investigat­ion, said officers had been wrong to assume it was accidental drowning and believes Stuart was “raped and murdered”.

Terry said last month he wants police to tell an inquest why, and called the new probe “rubbish”.

The documentar­y prompted Barrymore, who became a house hold name for shows such as Strike It Lucky, to issue a fresh denial of any wrongdoing, saying: “I have had nothing to do with this whatsoever and yet I keep getting bashed and bullied by the media.”

He refused to answer some questions at the inquest in 2002, but said he could not jump in and try to save Stuart because he could not swim – a claim disputed by others who knew the star. The coroner recorded an open verdict.

Barrymore, now of West London, was married to agent Cheryl for 21 years but came out in 1995 and they split a year later.

His career collapsed after the allegation­s until a return to the spotlight on Celebrity Big Brother in 2006.

In 2009, watchdogs found police missed crucial evidence and did not ensure vital forensic tests were completed until six years later.

Barrymore sued Essex police for wrongful arrest but lost the case in the Court of Appeal.

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Stuart Lubbock, 31, died at pool party criME scEnE house where Stuart died in Roydon, Essex
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 ??  ?? policE probE Barrymore last week in West London
policE probE Barrymore last week in West London

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