Daily Record



the pitch in 2021. The vile racist abuse by Ondrej Kudela, took place on the internatio­nal stage, and any failure to act by UEFA will be viewed as a green light for racism.

“During yesterday’s match with Slavia Prague, Kudela was arguing with a Rangers player and after I tried to intervene, he told me to shut up and then said ‘one second my friend.’

“He then came over to me covering his mouth, leaning into my ear, he uttered the words ‘You’re a f ***** g monkey, you know you are’.

“I was shocked and horrified to hear such racist abuse from a profession­al player. Kudela’s claim he simply swore at me and said “You’re a f ***** g guy” is a complete and utter lie which does not stand up to any scrutiny.

“His actions were deliberate and premeditat­ed, but he was loud enough for my team-mate Bongani Zungu to hear what was said. I am grateful for the unconditio­nal support of my team, our club and especially our manager Steven Gerrard.

“I want to thank not just our Rangers fans, but the many fans from across the football community and beyond, for calling out racism not just against myself, but also fellow player Kemar Roofe, who was subjected to a tirade of racist bile on Instagram.

“We as black players are sick of the freedom that such bigots are given to parade their hatred on social media and wonder when the likes of Instagram will start to take action.”

UEFA last night confirmed an urgent probe had been launched into the events at Ibrox.

Slavia and Kudela deny racism, alleging Kamara attacked the Czech player after the game.

They claimed last night an assault complaint against the Finn had been filed with Police

Scotland citing Steven Gerrard as a witness but cops insisted they have heard nothing.

Ibrox managing director Stewart Robertson warned UEFA that Rangers won’t allow the racial attack to be swept under the carpet.

He said: “Racism is unacceptab­le in any form and in any setting. The racist abuse suffered by Glen Kamara will not be tolerated by Rangers.

“This incident has been reported to the UEFA match delegate and we understand it has formed part of his match report.

“UEFA will be well aware the football world is watching. We expect a robust and unequivoca­l response in relation to this incident.”

In a statement Slavia said: “We filed a criminal complaint with the Scottish Police through the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Great Britain for a physically assault on Ondrej Kudela.

“The attack on Ondrej Kudela was prepared and thought out, including deliberate­ly covering the cameras at the scene of the incident. The submission contains the names of witnesses, who, in addition to the representa­tives of SK Slavia Prague, were also representa­tives of UEFA and Rangers FC coach Steven Gerrard.

“The only ‘alleged’ evidence is the player covering his mouth which Ondrej does on a regular basis when he talks to his team-mates in games.

“In the presence of the UEFA delegation, the coaches of both teams, Ondrej Kudela and Glen Kamara met.

“After the arrival of Slavia representa­tives, Ondrej was physically abused by the player of Rangers FC who then fled into the locker rooms followed by the manager Steven Gerrard.”

Kudela denied all allegation­s of racism. He said: “I told him ‘You f***ing guy’. It was said in emotion, but I deny there was anything racist.”

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