Daily Record



Dear Coleen

OVER the past 18 months my husband and I have been working from home.

However, I’ve also been doing all the cooking (including breakfast and lunch) and most of the housework too.

His excuse was that he can’t cook and doesn’t know where anything goes.

I really don’t know why I’ve put up with this for all this time but I have.

Anyway, last week I finally lost my cool over it.

I put his dinner in front of him and he said “oh, I’m not really keen on this dish” like he’s a fussy child and I’m his mum.

It took all my strength not to tip the entire contents of the plate over his head. Any tips?

Coleen says

FIRST of all, excellent selfcontro­l. If it had been me, I might have tipped it into his lap.

I’m not condoning throwing food over lazy husbands, but you have to tell him you’ve had enough and stop babying him.

Don’t enable his laziness.

Maybe he’s not good at cooking, but I’m sure he’s good at other things that would help around the house. You could suggest a training day where you can show him exactly where everything goes.

Just be strong, it’s not fair if you’re both working full time, but you’re the only one pulling your weight when it comes to household chores.

We have a chores rota which my daughter Ciara draws up every week, and everyone’s on it. God help anyone who tries to get out of it.

Also, you should try telling him that you find his laziness very unattracti­ve.

He might throw his toys out of the pram over this wake-up call initially, but he’ll get over it.

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