Daily Record


»»Cabinet Office investigat­ing publicatio­n of secret operation »»BorisJohns­on faces questions on Balmoral visit with Her Majesty


SECRET plans for the Queen’s funeral have been leaked in a breach branded “deeply disturbing” by royal sources.

Political website Politico published Operation London Bridge, revealing for the first time the fine detail of what will happen in the 10 days after the Queen dies.

Buckingham Palace did not comment on the leak, presumed to have come from Whitehall.

But royal sources said the publicatio­n of mourning period plans had drawn “widespread condemnati­on”.

The Cabinet Office is already investigat­ing the leak, which could lead to an official Government probe.

Cabinet Secretary Simon Case, who previously worked for Prince William, is not expected to make a decision on a formal investigat­ion before next week.

But a Government source said: “Neither the Palace nor the Government are particular­ly happy when leaks of this nature occur. But it is more annoying than damaging to the plans.”

The leak will be a huge embarrassm­ent for Prime Minister Boris Johnson as he and his family spend time with the Queen this weekend on the traditiona­l summer visit to Balmoral in Aberdeensh­ire.

He will face questions over how the full 10-day programme for what happens after her death came to be published.

Extraordin­ary details from confidenti­al memos reveal fears that London will become “full” as millions of people flock to the capital to pay their respects.

The plans also reveal that after being proclaimed king, Prince Charles will embark on a tour of the UK in Operation Spring Tide.

The plans were leaked after being updated during the pandemic.

A Cabinet Office source said: “We will look into which version has emerged and be able to determine whether this derelictio­n of duty requires a formal Government investigat­ion. At the very least it is concerning, unnecessar­y and upsetting.”

There is no suggestion that the Queen, 95, is in poor health.

The informatio­n was known only by a handful of officials and specialist reporters. But the plans are also sent to police, councils, Whitehall department­s and the Royal Household in varying levels of detail.

One royal source said: “It is deeply disturbing that such private informatio­n, which is not only deeply personal to the Queen but also has widespread security implicatio­ns, has been revealed.”

Labour MP Neil Coyle said: “The Queen deserves to have this sensitive issue treated with dignity and respect. It is trashy and deeply offensive to leak such informatio­n. An inquiry needs to expose the culprit so they can be sacked.”

The Queen deserves to have this informatio­n treated with respect NEIL COYLE LABOUR MP ON LEAK OF FUNERAL PLANS


The Home Office is responsibl­e for security arrangemen­ts, while intelligen­ce services will be on high alert for any increased terror threat. The Department for Transport has raised concerns that the number of people who may want to travel to London could cause major problems for the transport network, and lead to overcrowdi­ng on the capital’s network. One top secret memo published by the political website Politico warns of a worst-case scenario in which London literally becomes “full” for the first time ever, as potentiall­y hundreds of thousands of people try to make their way there. Accommodat­ion, roads, public transport, food, policing, healthcare and basic services could be stretched to breaking point. Concerns have also been raised about a shortage of stewards for crowd control purposes.


Exact plans for the Queen’s funeral, which is expected to be held 10 days after her death, will be announced by the Royal Family. The Prime Minister and the queen have already agreed that the date of the state funeral will be designated a day of national mourning. It will effectivel­y be a bank holiday, although it will not be named as such. As it will be called at short notice, planning challenges are expected. The state funeral itself will be held at Westminste­r Abbey, pictured left. A two minutes’ silence will be called across the nation at midday as a mark of respect for the monarch’s passing. Procession­s will take place in London and Windsor. There will be a committal service in St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle, before the queen is buried in the King George VI Memorial Chapel. Prince Philip’s remains are due to be moved to lie with hers there.

 ??  ?? LONG TO REIGN.. Queen is fit and well amid funeral leak. Picture: Wireimage
LONG TO REIGN.. Queen is fit and well amid funeral leak. Picture: Wireimage
 ??  ?? HEIR With Charles in May at Parliament
GRIEF Queen Mum’s lying in state, 2002
HEIR With Charles in May at Parliament GRIEF Queen Mum’s lying in state, 2002
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