Daily Record



GRAHAM WEBSTER won’t forget the sight of old team-mate Russell McLean dipping in and out of Dublin’s watering holes in flippers and a snorkel any time soon.

While that gear was a flash in the pan, the 28year-old reckons the fact he’s the third in Montrose’s squad to clock up 250 games says it all about this crop’s commitment to creating longstandi­ng memories with the club.

The winger is holding out hope of grabbing a goal for the eighth game running after a calf injury sidelined him last week.

He was still presented with a framed jersey signed by all his teammates, having followed Terry Masson and Paul Watson in hitting the haul.

Avoiding a fall through the SPFL trapdoor in 2015 then winning League Two offer emotional moments.

As for the funniest since 2013, Christmas in Dublin tops the list as he said: “You got partnered up and got £15 to spend on each other. You could be wearing anything.

“I will never forget Rusty kicking about the pubs in Dublin with a big pair of flippers and a snorkel – it looked like he was going diving.

“To have three people who have potentiall­y got testimonia­ls in the space of three years is pretty incredible and testament to the commitment of the boys. I don’t think you would have heard of that at many other clubs.”

Falkirk may need to start making strides after four defeats in a row but keeper Robbie Mutch need not look far for inspiratio­n when it comes to taking big steps.

His 80-year-old grandpa Derek walked more than 1000 steps a day in June to raise £1620 for a stroke unit that cared for him.

Mutch said: “He had a stroke last August and he’s beaten cancer twice so he’s had the hat-trick of bad luck. It’s a miracle he’s even walking again.

“Just last week he got in touch with Falkirk and sponsored my gloves. I need to buy the Falkirk Herald for him every Thursday because he has scrapbooks from when I was seven, eight years old.

“He’s got about 10 or 11, he still adds to it every single week. What we do [as players every day] is nothing compared to what he’s been through and what he’s doing.

“He could’ve sat down and felt sorry for himself but he wanted to repay the people who took care of him. He’s one of my heroes.”


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