Daily Record


Screening to start for first time to identify old people who are in danger of starving


NEARLY a third of OAPs are at risk of suffering malnutriti­on, diet experts fear. It comes as screening is about to start for the first time in Scotland to identify those in need of help. Scottish Borders Council and NHS Borders are working with charity Food Train’s Eat Well Age Well project. They are asking a series of questions that will secure earlier interventi­on for people aged 65 and over who are at risk of becoming malnourish­ed. It is the first alliance of this kind in Scotland aimed at helping pensioners back to better health and easing the strain on health and social care services.

Experts estimate 20-30 per cent of older people in Scotland are suffering or at risk of malnutriti­on – a serious health condition that occurs when a person’s diet is poor.

The alliance, which also has the support of third sector groups, care organisati­ons and social landlords, will see staff trained to identify the need for help.

Screening checks involve asking an older person four questions which will help establish their needs.

Laura Cairns, Food Train’s Eat Well Age Well project manager, said: “We have long said malnutriti­on among older people is under-recognised and under-reported. Increased screening action and early identifica­tion of malnutriti­on in the Borders will help address that and create an example we hope can be extended across Scotland.”

The National Institute of Health Research is funding an evaluation into the project’s impact on the health and wellbeing of the elderly, staff and services.

Councillor Elaine ThorntonNi­col said: “This is vital work that will help improve lives.”

Fiona Doig, head of health improvemen­t and strategic lead for alcohol and drugs partnershi­p at NHS Borders, added: “Malnutriti­on in older people is a public health issue that requires a collective understand­ing and approach to ensure they are supported to stay well in their communitie­s.”

 ?? ?? PLAN
Alliance will try to get OAPs healthier
PLAN Alliance will try to get OAPs healthier

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