Daily Record


Pervert’s crimes covered up by church


A PRIEST’S sexual abuse of two altar boys was “covered up” by the Catholic Church, a judge has said.

Father Thomas MacCarte, from Glasgow, was jailed for molesting two children after allowing them to smoke cannabis and drink alcohol.

A court heard how the teenagers have been plagued by anger, shame and self-hatred, with one of them attempting suicide.

The incident happened at the Bishop Eton Monastery in Childwall, Liverpool, and one of the boy’s dad’s complained to the church.

He made the complaint to the then-parish priest Ralph Heskett – now the Bishop of Hallam, Sheffield.

However, instead of being reported to the police, MacCarte, who is now aged 70, was instead moved to his native

Scotland. He was found guilty of three counts of indecent assault over the attacks in Merseyside three decades ago and jailed for four years.

Judge Gary Woodhall said at Liverpool Crown Court: “Whatever may have been communicat­ed to those higher up within the organisati­on of the church, what actually happened was a cover up to avoid any embarrassm­ent – the complaint was effectivel­y swept under the carpet.”

Judge Woodhall said it was clear MacCarte, now of St Mary’s Monastery, Hatton Road, Perth, groomed both boys after he drank alcohol to excess.

He told him: “You used both boys for your own sexual gratificat­ion, with little thought or concern about their needs or wishes.

The judge added that one of the youngsters, Boy A, described how “being asked to pray for the man who abused him was damaging”.

He said: “He describes how he suffered nightmares, an unshakeabl­e fear he had done something wrong, unexplaine­d guilt, shame and anger, leading to deep rooted self hatred.”

Referring to Boy B, Judge Woodhall added: “He describes suffering from depression, anxiety and a life full of hatred, shame and guilt.” He said Boy B also attempted to take his own life.

 ?? ?? vILE Thomas McCarte was imprisoned for four years
vILE Thomas McCarte was imprisoned for four years

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