Daily Record

Fate played its part in our love match

- Jennifer russell

IT’S AMAZING how one introducti­on can change your life.

Nearly four years ago, my fellow columnist Magdalene introduced me to a new reporter, Ben, in our Glasgow office.

I had started work that day at 6am so by the afternoon it’s fair to say I wasn’t feeling or looking my best.

Mags had worked with Ben before and wanted him to meet some friendly faces to help the office seem less daunting.

It was not a cute meeting, like in the movies, just two people saying hello and me talking about all the best places in Motherwell he should cover in his new job – even down to where he could get the best sandwich (a chicken ferno from Upper, by the way)

Fast forward a few months and we started to meet up outside the office – a movie here, a gig there, any excuse to see each other again.

Our first trip away took us to the Isle of Harris, which we both fell in love with. The turquoise-blue waters and white sandy beaches were the perfect backdrop for our first holiday.

We’ve been on a few other getaways since, moved in together, survived lockdown in a global pandemic and now enjoy tea runs to our kitchen from the home office rather than the office we first met in.

Two weeks ago, we finally managed to get back on the ferry and visit the Hebrides again.

Harris will always be a happy place for us and this time our trip was made even more special when Ben proposed on the white sand at Seilebost beach.

While I had an idea it might happen – especially when he started pacing up and down the beach looking for the perfect spot – nothing can really prepare you for the moment.

I cried when Ben got down on one knee but they were happy tears and I don’t think either of us have stopped smiling since. It was a moment I’ll never forget. We spent the rest of the day watching the waves roll in, taking a million pictures, videocalli­ng our families and enjoying the wind, rain and sunshine we experience­d in true Scottish beach-going fashion.

During the rest of our week away we were on cloud 9 and since we’ve returned, we’ve celebrated with our friends and family.

The cards and gifts have just about stopped being delivered or dropped through our letter box but we are still enjoying popping a bottle of champagne on a random Tuesday night.

We’ve felt the love from near and far, and have been overwhelme­d by the amount of messages and congratula­tions we’ve had.

People say first impression­s count and I guess I’m still surprised a simple chat about sandwiches was enough to win someone over and spark a relationsh­ip.

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