Daily Record



‘Clarke was so excited with the victory he almost broke into a grin. What if Scotland were to win a play-off game? A smirk?’

Albert Styles doesn’t agree with my view regarding Gerrard being a good coach as he has spent £50million and only won one trophy.

“The one trophy Gerrard won was Celtic’s most important trophy in their history, Celtic have spent far more than Gerrard since he took over at Rangers yet Gerrard managed a 38-point turnaround.

“I would take that and believe my gut instinct rather than listen to somebody who doesn’t give credit where credit’s due.”

Harry Fitzpatric­k, Ontario, said: “Gerrard to Newcastle? Where is this rumour coming from? It appears to be the same source which gave us Mark Warburton for England manager and Alfredo Morelos is worth £30m.”

Jimmy Murray, Edinburgh, said: “I’m not a Neil Lennon fan, far from it. He should never have been Celtic manager. He was a major failure in the 10-in-arow season but so were John Kennedy and Gavin Strachan. Why are they still there?”

John Bruce emailed: “Mr Charisma, aka Scotland manager Steve Clarke, was so excited after the last-gasp victory against mighty Israel that he almost broke into a grin. What should we expect if Scotland were to win a play-off game? A smirk?”

William Hutchison, Aberdeen, said: “Why were some people having a go at Scotland’s winning goal celebratio­ns on Saturday. It appears Scotland can’t win for some people. When we win they moan, we lose and they moan, we celebrate and they moan.”

And finally, Willie Graham, Bristol, said: “As if Scottish football didn’t have enough problems with sectariani­sm and racism, another serious issue has surfaced. The booing of the Israeli national anthem on Saturday was disgracefu­l. FIFA needs to take action as this is spreading out of control.”

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