Daily Record

Cancer was a kick up a✱✱e

Scot cherishing every day after terminal diagnosis and releasing tracks with help from his friends


A TERMINALLY ill Scots producer has set up a record label, bringing together some of the UK’s best rappers and beat creators.

There has been a huge outpouring of love for the brave and positive way Del Soulcondor has dealt with mouth cancer.

A former member of Ayrshire crew All Time High, his real name is Derek Grayston and he’s from Stevenston. He created and runs Soulcondor Slices from his hospice bed.

He has brought his heroes together for four tracks he’s pressed on 7in vinyl and all have sold out. He’s also been sent messages from his heroes – including Goldie, Craig Charles and Chubb Rock.

When did you find out you had cancer?

July 11, 2020. I thought I had an ulcer on the inside of my jaw near the floor of my mouth. My dentist sent me to Crosshouse Hospital for a biopsy that came back as mouth cancer two weeks later. I was devastated. I suffered mentally from all the worry and then had surgery in the middle of November, which included a tracheotom­y and a neck dissection. I was at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow for five weeks. Sadly, they didn’t get it and it was an aggressive cancer. In the seven weeks between surgery and starting six weeks of chemoradio­therapy at the Beatson in Glasgow it was discovered I had another tumour on my jaw, so they changed the fields of the radiothera­py in the hope off catching this tumour.

It was six weeks travelling up and down every day thanks to the brilliant volunteer drivers at Ayrshire Cancer Care.

But there was more bad news – the cancer spread to vertebrae in my neck. It was incurable and after a few weeks I found I couldn’t stand for two minutes or sit. So I was moved to Ayrshire Hospice and I won’t be getting out.

So sorry, Del. But here you are releasing music on your own label, Soulcondor Slices. How did that come about?

Before my surgery, this great singer, Greg Blackman, kindly offered me a free download of his album, GB4. I had realised I wasn’t going to work again so decided to sell my 4000plus vinyl collection. Greg then said he’d got an idea for a hook, called Save The Wax, about saving my vinyl. I got in touch with DJ Moneyshot and asked him to cook up a nice beat. In hospital, just before my surgery, the track was taking shape. Genesis Elijah did a verse and Glasgow rapper Bohze from II Tone Committee did a third verse.

I was blown away. It was amazing. It was my pals and it was for me. It was released on 7in vinyl, I came up with the name Soulcondor Slices and record 001 was born. It sold 300 in a few days.

Record 003 was the visceral F*** Cancer. Was it important to get it out there?

I’m extremely proud of the allstar line-up on that track – DJ Nappa, Chrome, Phill most Chill, Blade and Specific.

When I asked Chrome to do something, I didn’t know he’d lost his sister to cancer and almost his brother. He thanked me as he’d been looking for a chance to write the verse for ages but had never got the chance. The 300 7in singles sold out in three days.

You were part of All Time High, one of the early Scots rap groups.

Did you feel you laid the foundation­s for the likes of Young Fathers and Nova now?

We were slightly different to what everyone else was doing as we were bringing our Three Towns [Ardrossan, Saltcoats and Stevenston] patter and attitude.

Giz was a very funny, top MC and a lot of people were influenced by him as a rapper. I'm still friends with Giz and keep touch with Taj online.

DJ Krashslaug­hta has been amazing during my illness. Always there, always in touch, always wanting to help.

I think we helped lay the foundation­s for Scottish rap but we weren't alone. We helped create a good scene and carried a mad squad following when we supported names like Jurassic 5.

You quit the group in 2005. Where did you get the name Del Soulcondor?

Rapper Empress asked me to make some beats and I didn't stop until I had an album's worth. It became my debut solo album, Super Dynamite Soul.

As for the name, it was a track on a breaks album called Nuggets of Funk.

El Soulcondor was by a group called Certain Lions and Tigers. It became a favourite so I decided to use the name.

Now, you’re a record label boss. Has your illness made you want to get music out fast?

Yes. Having this illness has defo been a kick up the a**e and since making the decision to put the label together it's been full steam ahead. We've also done posters, stickers and 100 Save the Wax T-shirts by Glasgow artist Pandah, which sold out in four days.

What does it mean seeing your rap heroes wishing you well?

It's been a lift. The hip hop community in the UK and the US has rallied round to support me so much.

LA rapper Evidence, who was in the crew Dilated Peoples, reached out and sent me a lovely package of his new album, hoody and T-shirts.

I've also connected with homegrown artists and was on the phone to Blade for an hour.

You seem to inspire a lot of people...

It seems releasing music during my illness is inspiring people in some way. If that's the case, it's a great thing. I'm trying to put out as many nice records as I can while I still can. The label has become my baby. I was happy with three or four tracks but we're up to six. I'm now concentrat­ing on doing a proper release of my Super Dynamite Soul album.

Tell us about 005, your latest track, Flight of the Condor, which is out digitally now?

I got a message from Uncle Mic Nitro, who had written a verse about me and played it. I was touched and humbled.

He asked Nappa to make a beat and turned it into a song. It's very real – heartfelt, deep, dark yet so positive and uplifting. People can hear it digitally and hopefully, if I'm gifted the time, can release it on vinyl.

Soulcondor Slices is my focus. It, along with my family, keep me going – and it gives me a proper focus, which is essential in my condition.

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 ?? ?? ● CHECK out Soulcondor Slice's tracks – including latest tunes Flight of the Condor/ Final Flight of the Condor – at soundcloud.com/soulcondor­slices ● Check out Del's physical releases at freshpress­ings.bigcartel.com/
● CHECK out Soulcondor Slice's tracks – including latest tunes Flight of the Condor/ Final Flight of the Condor – at soundcloud.com/soulcondor­slices ● Check out Del's physical releases at freshpress­ings.bigcartel.com/
 ?? ?? WAX WORKS Del Soulcondor with his vinyl collection. Above right, his new releases
WAX WORKS Del Soulcondor with his vinyl collection. Above right, his new releases

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