Daily Record



T-shirt at the visiting fans. Both clubs subsequent­ly sent dossiers to Police Scotland and the football governing bodies.

Yesterday, the Staggies released a statement saying they had received a response and the authoritie­s had found “no evidence of racist language being used” and their chief executive Steven Ferguson said: “We now feel that Ross County and our supporters have been fully exonerated.”

Courts – who did not see the County statement before speaking to the press – insisted he did not need to apologise to the Dingwall club. He said: No, absolutely not. The facts that are available to me, the allegation­s have been corroborat­ed.

“The key thing for me is that we have made a strong stance as a club in terms of protection of our player in that given incident. Also, moving forward we have to constantly challenge any discrimina­tory behaviour and we will continue to do that.

“So I feel really comfortabl­e and content with my actions.”

Courts insisted he had no regrets over his T-shirt gesture. He added: “No, it was a key moment on that day with the allegation­s that were made. It’s really important that we shouldn’t shirk the opportunit­y to stand behind players who are suffering any form of discrimina­tion, to show that it won’t be tolerated and that we respect other clubs in the league.

“We respect all fans and we will stand against anyone who comes into stadiums to make any form of gestures that we see as discrimina­tory. Our players will always get full support and I will certainly be doing that in the future.

“As football clubs we want to be unified – we want to be unified with Ross County, the vast majority of Ross County fans as well. But we also want to show support for our players.

“I have full respect for Ross County, the rest of Scottish football and the wider football industry for how they throw their weight behind Show Racism the Red Card.”

Fuchs could be seen being comforted by his United team-mates after the alleged incident and Courts added: “Jeando is a phenomenal human being and a brilliant player for us.

“The thing that hurt me the most on that day is we had just scored a goal and when he came walking over to the bench, to see that look on his face…

“I did ask him then if he was sure about the allegation. I also asked him at half-time and after the game. He was pretty adamant.”

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