Daily Record

Coping safely with winter breakdowns


SCOTS drivers are being offered tips on how to stay safe in the challengin­g winter months should their vehicle break down.

If you find yourself stranded at the side of the road, put on your hazard lights to alert others, exit the vehicle and get to a safe place, then call for recovery assistance.

But motoring finance firm CarMoney’s experts are also highlighti­ng what items you should have in the car to keep you and your family safe in the event of a breakdown at night.

First up are a high-quality, weather-resistant, LED torch along with a pack of spare batteries, as well as a portable phone charger – just in case your mobile is running low on power.

Visibility is paramount, so have a fluorescen­t, hi-vis jacket to wear in order that you are seen by other drivers while waiting outside of the car.

And having blankets and waterproof jackets, hats and gloves will help to keep the chill off as you wait for assistance.

The Highway Code also says you should place a reflective warning triangle on the road at least 45 metres behind your broken down car, if you can do so safely, if you’re on a dual carriagewa­y.

CarMoney vehicle manager Andrew Marshall said: “It can be easy to panic if your car breaks down, no matter the time of day. However, there is an added danger if it happens outside of daylight hours due to reduced visibility and colder temperatur­es.

“It is also a good idea to ensure you have your breakdown assistance company details saved on your phone or documentat­ion in the glove box for that extra peace of mind.”

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