Daily Record

Life for beast who abused sick boy for 2 days then left him to die on bus


A CONVICTED paedophile who failed to get medical attention for a runaway teenager who later died could end his days behind bars.

Derek McNeill, 52, brought 13-year-old Blake Ross to his Edinburgh flat, where he stayed for almost two days before he was abandoned on a bus as he became increasing­ly ill from Type 1 diabetes.

The sex offender had not told anyone Blake was in his flat while police and his family searched for the teenager, who was in the care of a council-run close support unit.

McNeill was convicted of wilfully neglecting and abandoning Blake in a way likely to cause him unnecessar­y suffering or injury to health, although he was not accused of causing death.

A jury found him guilty without knowing about his string of previous conviction­s because by law they could only be revealed after the verdict.

At the High Court at Livingston yesterday, Judge Lord Weir made

McNeill subject to a lifelong restrictio­n order.

Lord Weir told McNeill he had been convicted of cruelty to a child under the age of 16.

He added: “Even that descriptio­n of the statutory offence belies the deplorable context and circumstan­ces in which it was committed.”

The indetermin­ate sentence means McNeill may never qualify for release from prison unless he can satisfy the parole board that he no longer presents a danger to the public.

The court heard that on the afternoon of Saturday, February 11, 2017, Blake left the support unit where he stayed.

That night he was approached by McNeill in Wester Hailes, where he remained until the following Monday, when CCTV showed McNeill putting him on a bus at Westside Plaza.

Lord Weir said: “The admirable efforts … of the staff of Lothian Buses and the emergency services to look after him, and to obtain the medical assistance he so urgently required, stand in depressing­ly marked contrast to the neglect and abuse to which you subjected Blake over … the last two days of his short life.”

He added: “How it was that you caused Blake to accompany you to your flat, alone, bereft of his medication in the hours of darkness, and what happened over the two days and nights he was with you, only you can say for certain.”

He said McNeill would have become aware of the teenager’s deteriorat­ing medical condition, but had done nothing to seek help.

He said evidence indicated that the accused must have engaged in sexual activity in the boy’s presence.

Finally, he said, McNeill had left Blake to fend for himself on a bus at Westside Plaza when his seriously deteriorat­ing medical condition must have been obvious.

He told McNeill: “From the report that has been prepared for the purposes of today’s hearing it is clear that you present a very high risk of causing sexual harm to children, and that the public must be afforded protection from you.”

Brian Gilfedder, defending, acknowledg­ed that his client, McNeill, posed a high risk to the public when at large and accepted that there was a significan­t sexual element to the offence of which he was convicted.

Lord Weir said the punishment part of McNeill’s sentence would be four years, backdated to November 20, 2019.

However, he told the accused that his sentence “does not mean that you will be released automatica­lly at the end of that four year period. It simply means that until that period has elapsed you cannot ask to be considered for parole”.

shouting encouragem­ent.” The album opens with a Johnny Cash cover, These Are My People, which Rod turns into a nod to Scotland, even including bagpipes. He hails Marc Bolan on Born to Boogie and has written a romantic ballad for Penny, I Can’t Imagine. Earlier this year she became a qualified special constable and works the beat in London. Rod said: “She loves it and says she’s not only giving something back but protecting the city I love, London. “However, I don’t stop worrying until she calls me on the way home. I send a driver to get her and she calls once she is in the car. Then I’m OK.”

Loose Women panellist Penny has also opened up this year about her experience with the menopause, which left her anxious. She’s since gone on HRT and has praised Rod’s support.

He said: “Women are so volatile when they go through this. Any little thing can upset them.

“As a man, what you mustn’t do is retaliate when a temper is lost. But she’s much better. She’s on medication that seems to have levelled her out.

“She’s brave to talk about it. Men just have to shut up and understand. All we have to do is to shave every day – that’s the only hardship we have really.”

Rod is hoping the new album will follow his last, Blood Red Roses, to the

UK No1 spot and become his 11th UK chart topper but he has competitio­n from Ed Sheeran and Abba.

He’s hoping he can do it but feels no pressure that former pal Elton John recently had a No1 with The Lockdown Sessions.

Rod said: “Elton’s album wasn’t doing very well until they released the Dua Lipa song [Cold Heart]. That made a difference. It was her that sent it to No1.”

The pair fell out in 2018 when Rod called Elton’s farewell tour “dishonest”. At the start of the year he said he had apologised and was fixing the damage but now admits the friendship is lost.

Rod said: “We don’t talk any more. I don’t have his mobile number and we talk through the Press. He’ll say something outrageous about me and I’ll return the compliment.

“I think we’ve just grown apart. He’s got his kids, I’ve got my kids. He doesn’t drink any more and I do.”

Like Elton and rock legends Queen, Rod would love to see a biopic of his life but says he is waiting for someone to “pick up the reins and run with it”.

Luckily, he doesn’t need a film to boost his music sales. He’s already on to his next album, a big band album of swing classics.

He added that the long-awaited Faces album is on its way. Rod says he just has to finish off some of the songs and find time when he and Ronnie Wood can do a tour.

It won’t be a farewell tour, though. He said: “I’ve just done 10 concerts in Vegas and next year will spend three months touring the US. I’m loving it. Believe me, I’m not slowing down.

“And when I do slow down a little bit, I’d love to retire to Scotland.”

The Tears of Hercules is out tomorrow. Rod plays Glasgow’s Ovo Hydro on November 29, 2022. For info and tickets, go to www.rodstewart.com

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 ?? ??
 ?? ?? ABANDONED Diabetic Blake was left on a bus while seriously ill
ABANDONED Diabetic Blake was left on a bus while seriously ill
 ?? ?? GUILTY McNeill. Right, our 2017 after Blake was found dead
GUILTY McNeill. Right, our 2017 after Blake was found dead
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BHOYS Rod DAY OUT with his Alastair sons and Aiden Celtic Park at in 2017
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WELL PLAID Rod with Paolo Nutini before a Scotland v Italy game in 2007. Pic: George Hunter
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GAME ON Scotland will seal play-off spot with victory in Moldova tomorrow
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