Daily Record

Power of kindness

Author Bernadette Russell, below, marks World Kindness Day with ways to make the world a better place


WHAT can stop you in your tracks, transform your mood and is completely free to give?

Kindness. Yes, the art of being kind is transforma­tive – to wellbeing, to relationsh­ips, to your entire life.

After spending a decade doing small acts of kindness every day, author Bernadette Russell knows the power of kindness first hand. The key is to think small. “When it comes to acts of kindness, small is beautiful,” she said. “They should be joyful too, as this makes it easier to carry on spreading kindness instead of getting burned out.”

And with World Kindness Day on Saturday, what better time to have a go? The benefits are endless, said Bernadette. Here she suggests 25 ways to be kind: 1

It doesn’t have to be expensive, just a little treat, like some bath salts. 2 Make a call Who would be delighted by a call from you today? Ring them for a chat. 3 Donate Make a donation

to an organisati­on that’s working towards a cause you care about. 4 Say how you feel Are you in a choir, a gardening group or a Facebook group? Tell them what they mean to you. 5 Sow it forward Plant a bulb or sprinkle flower seeds in a rough patch of land, to give joy to the people who walk past. 6 Think positive There’s a lot of bad news out there. So only read positive news for a day. 7 Meat-free Giving up meat and dairy for the day benefits the planet. 8 Memory bank Send a friend a message and remind them of something fun you did together. 9

If you have a pension, look into switching it to a more ethical

Buy yourself a present Pension plan

investment. There are guides online to help you. 10 Lovely lunch break Take a walk to boost your mood. Notice the leaves changing on the trees. 11 Shop locally Take the time to chat to the owner. They will really appreciate the support. 12 Offer of help Check in with someone who you know is busy and offer to babysit, walk their dog or make them dinner. 13 Help your neighbour Offer to do their shopping or mow their lawn. 14 Say to plasticno Try giving up single-use plastic for the day. Even doing it once can make a difference. 15 Teach little ones Tell a child about how powerful kindness can be. Encourage them to do a kind act. 16

Have the courage to think about what worries you most in the world, and what small ways you can help. 17 Post it Write somebody a postcard and send it to them – it’s lovely to get something personal. 18 Take the time Get to know your neighbours. Pop notes in neighbours’ doors to say hello, and that you hope they’re all right. You will brighten their day. 19 Walk Instead of driving, walk all or part of the way as an act of kindness to the planet. 20 Update your calendar Spend a few moments writing everyone’s birthdays in the calendar

Wonderful world

It’s easier to spread kindness by keeping acts small and joyful

so you will remember them. 21 Tea time Have a cup of tea with a friend at your house, or meet for a walk in the park. 22 Litter pick Why not don your rubber gloves and pick up some litter on your street or in the local park? Every little helps. 23

Surprise DIY Make somebody a card or present on a day they wouldn’t expect it. I often send these “unbirthday presents” to my friends. 24

Shared interest If you feel lonely, find a community group with a shared interest, whether it’s online or in person. 25 Get together Say to a group of friends or colleagues: “It’s World

Kindness Day, what might we do?” Plan an act of kindness as a group ● How to be Hopeful, by Bernadette Russell, is out in paperback and audiobook. Tour dates for Bernadette’s comedy show at inncrowd.org.uk/ bernadette-russell366-days-of-kindness

TUMBLING temperatur­es can only mean one thing – it’s time to get the “big coat” out.

And this winter there’s only one style to be seen in. Enter, the cloud coat. A twist on the classic puffers that have been keeping us warm in recent years, these padded coats and jackets are not as bulky as your traditiona­l duvet coat (hence “cloud”) but are every bit as cosy – and look very cool indeed.

You’ll be spoilt for choice on the high street, with calf-length, thigh-length, short jackets and even capes (yes, really) on offer.

Quilting can be found in traditiona­l ribbed, diamond or 70s-style, squiggle-like designs.

When it comes to colour you can pretty much find a cloud coat in any shade you want, but autumnal hues of moss green, khaki and mushroom are particular­ly on trend this season.

Go a size up to make sure you can fit your chunky knits underneath and you’ll be all set for a chic midwinter.

MORE than a third of women are uninterest­ed in sex, according to research. The study, from Glasgow University, analysed the sex lives of more than 12,000 people aged between 16 and 74 and found 34 per cent were indifferen­t to it, compared to 17 per cent of men.

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 ?? ?? CATCH-UP Meet up with a friend for coffee. Pic: Getty
CATCH-UP Meet up with a friend for coffee. Pic: Getty
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 ?? ?? Coat, £135; bag, £65; trousers, £75, all & Other Stories. Trainers, stylist’s own
Jacket, £79.99; cardigan, £49.99; shorts, £19.99, all Zara. Boots, stylist’s own
Coat, £135; bag, £65; trousers, £75, all & Other Stories. Trainers, stylist’s own Jacket, £79.99; cardigan, £49.99; shorts, £19.99, all Zara. Boots, stylist’s own
 ?? ??
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 ?? ?? Reversible coat, £69.99; shirt, £19.99; jeans, £25.99; boots, £59.99, all Reserved
Reversible coat, £69.99; shirt, £19.99; jeans, £25.99; boots, £59.99, all Reserved
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