Daily Record

Poisonous time at posh party


BBC2, 9pm THIS Sherlock-esque drama returns with more mysterious cases for the investigat­or and his sidekick to solve.

Everyone needs a go-to person, and for the Vienna police, Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt (Juergen Maurer) does the head-scratching whenever there’s a murder.

He often calls upon a young doctor, Max Liebermann (Matthew Beard), for help in solving his cases. But this one is slightly different.

It is autumn 1907, and at a lavish dinner party in Vienna a Hungarian countess appears to be having a panic attack, finally collapsing and clutching at her throat.

The next morning she is found drowned in the bath – and it looks like she took her own life.

But of course Inspector Rheinhardt does not believe it’s suicide, he suspects foul play.

Intense scrutiny falls on her psychoanal­yst, who just so happens to be Max, who the depressed countess saw three days ago.

Max told her to stop taking her prescribed medicine and start taking a course of Freud’s talking cure – aka therapy – with himself.

Inspector Rheinhardt teams up with the disgraced doctor to solve the riddle of the woman’s death and clear Max’s profession­al reputation.

Some doctors are calling for him to be struck off, and he even makes the front page of the newspaper.

But a post-mortem reveals that the countess was poisoned, which turns Max and Rheinhardt’s attention to Oktav Hauke, a young second lieutenant with a reputation for dubious relationsh­ips with rich, older women.

For fans of period drama and a classic murder mystery, this is an enjoyable whodunit.

 ?? Max’s reputation ?? SULLIED Rheinhardt, left, must help clear
Max’s reputation SULLIED Rheinhardt, left, must help clear

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