Daily Record

Freedom to get on themove

Taking a whole new approach to exercise and fitness with Slimming World can turn it from a chore into something that you love – as well as a habit that’s with you for life


FOR many of us, our New Year’s resolution­s to get fitter and healthier will already be well under way. However, studies have shown up to 80 per cent of resolution­s end in failure.

Of course, there are many reasons why your good intentions might go off track – a common theme is trying to do too much too soon, or attempting to go it alone.

Going hell for leather at the gym or attempting a long run on day one – only to feel exhausted and uncomforta­ble during and afterwards – can be hugely demoralisi­ng and lead to us giving up before we’ve even really started.

At Slimming World, as well as making changes to eating and drinking habits, members discover the freedom to get more active in a way that suits them and their lifestyle.

A gentle start to regular activity by introducin­g movement into everyday life is much more likely to lead to success in the long term.

In being part of a group and sharing motivation and achievemen­ts, members find they are more committed and more likely to stay on track with their goals.

When it comes to getting started, any movement counts. The important thing is making those first moves and building up a regular habit. It could be as simple as making a commitment to go for a daily walk, vowing to use the stairs rather than the lift or even doing a spot of vigorous cleaning or gardening.

At Slimming World every step you take and self-report is recognised and rewarded. Slimming World calls the synergy between movement and healthy eating Body Magic – it’s all about boosting your self-esteem and feeling body confident, so whatever movement you’re in the mood for, nothing is discounted. If you love to dance, why not try an at-home dance workout? Or if you used to love cycling as a child, it might be time to dust off the bicycle.

The key thing is to make activity regular, which means shaping it around your lifestyle. Try choosing a time of day you know will work for you, and treating it like an appointmen­t. That might be a halfhour walk with the dog before work, or a home workout in the evening once the kids are in bed.

This year, Slimming World members will find a brand-new library of on-demand activity videos to do at home. There’s everything from a gentle introducti­on to getting started with moving more to cardio workouts and dance routines.

Before you know it, you’ll be fitter, healthier and loving life more.

By making movement a part of your everyday life, activity becomes a habit that you not only enjoy, but miss when it’s not there. Of course, as time progresses and you become more confident, the intensity of your activity will increase until you are the fitness superstar you never dreamed you could be.

Why not try this simple at-home workout to get you started, and join 1FitLife instructor Maureen Hudson in her eight-minute dance session?

A great way to begin your fitness journey, this routine increases your heart rate and will help strengthen your muscle groups while having fun.

And best of all, even the busiest of us can find 8-10 minutes in our day.

This session is all about moving, so follow Maureen as she steps, taps, clicks and shimmies, or freestyle it out until you find a move you love. Add your favourite upbeat music to the sessions for some extra motivation.

Work at a pace that’s comfortabl­e for you so that you are still able to hold a conversati­on.

It’s important to take those first steps and build a regular habit

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