Daily Record

John may follow path of McPherson and others over the years of Edinburgh to Glasgow after Gers interest


THE transfer trail between Govan and Gorgie has been one of Scottish football’s most trodden paths down the years. Dave McPherson knows that better than most having made the journey from Rangers to Hearts and back – then back again – in a trophy-laden career at both ends of the M8.

Since then no shortage of fellow defenders have followed the route with Alan McLaren, Paul Ritchie, Andy Webster and Danny Wilson having travelled directly in one direction or the other while Steven Pressley, David Weir and Gordan Petric made the trip via a stop-off or two.

Fast forward to the here and now though and it’s current Hearts hero John Souttar who is sizing up the 50-mile jaunt as Rangers prepare to make their move on a pre-contract.

The 25-year-old finds himself at a career crossroads with heavy interest from south of the border offering an alternativ­e route out of Edinburgh now that it appears he has decided his future lies away from Tynecastle.

McPherson has been blown away by Souttar’s form after returning from serious injury and isn’t surprised by the interest in the Scotland star.

Blackburn, Stoke, Nottingham Forest, Sheffield United and Middlesbro­ugh are among the clubs credited with serious interest too.

It’s the type of career path dilemma which could bring on a bout of travel sickness.

McPherson is just relieved that when he made the journey back to Rangers from Hearts in 1992 – for a fee of £1.3million – it was a decision taken right out his hands.

Wherever Souttar chooses to be for his next destinatio­n though, McPherson is certain he’ll prove he’s up to the task.

He said: “It’s a huge decision for John to make and one I’m sure he’ll take his time over.

“He has done really well this season after bouncing back from a series of injuries that a lot of players

BY FRASER WILSON would struggle to overcome. His form has been excellent.

“Rangers’ interest isn’t a surprise. John is a modern-day defender, good on the ball, can pass it from the back, has a good size about him and doesn’t get ruffled easily.

“He is a player that a lot of clubs were looking at before his injuries and I’m not surprised there’s even more now.

“He doesn’t seem to get fazed by anything on the park.

“But if you are going to step up a level from Hearts to Rangers or a club down south then the expectatio­n is there to perform week in, week out.

“He’s done that this season for Hearts but it would be another test at Ibrox if that’s where he chooses to go and it’s not easy.

“He seems to have a temperamen­t to handle it. Breaking into the Scotland squad shows that as well.

“I was delighted to see him score against Denmark. I was just delighted to see Scotland score to be honest!

“That performanc­e and goal will only have been good for his confidence though and John is in a good place for club and country right now.”

McPherson made over 200 appearance­s for Rangers before Alex McDonald signed him for Hearts in 1987 after he fell down the pecking order at Ibrox with the Graeme Souness revolution in full flight.

But he was lured back to Ibrox by Walter Smith five years later – despite heavy interest from La Liga and the Bundesliga.

Those were pre-Bosman days though and despite being in the final few weeks of his contract at Tynecastle his next move was decided by club, not player.

It was back to Ibrox – and another two titles and a Scottish Cup winners’ medal – before heading yet again in the opposite direction to Tynecastle in 1994.

McPherson said: “When I made the move back to Ibrox from Hearts it was different to what John faces.

“I was out of contract but it was pre-Bosman so the club held the control over where I went and what offer was accepted.

“John can sit back and pick between four or five offers.

“I could have moved abroad. Sevilla and Dortmund were interested and I could have moved there but only if they put a financial offer on the table.

“Even though my contract was up I couldn’t just go and sign for them.

“Rangers put in the offer, Hearts accepted it and I was delighted to go back along the M8.

“People say you should never go back to a former club. Twice I proved that theory wrong!

“I had success at Rangers and Hearts, I’m proud of that, and both clubs are very close to my heart.

“John is good enough for Rangers. He probably has a harder decision to make because of the lure of clubs down south. He probably feels like he owes Hearts something too as they have looked after him and been loyal to him.

“But they are a club that produce good young players and sell them on – if they can, they’ll look to maximise

his value.” the border should Nicola Sturgeon fail to relax the 500-crowd limit by the return of the top flight from the winter break.

But said: “It has been suggested that Rangers and Celtic may play matches at St James’ Park to beat Covid-19 sanctions in Scotland. This is a non-starter for at least three reasons – firstly the restrictio­ns are in place for a reason and the clubs and fans would probably be forced into isolation for attempting to breach the law in Scotland.

“Secondly this would be unfair on other Scottish clubs suffering the sanctions, and thirdly the English FA get so much more money than Scotland already, how much would this take from Scottish football towards the already super-rich English equivalent?”

Back to the transfers and Celtic’s hat-trick of signings from Japan on the opening day of the window continues to stir debate.

emailed: “It has been an entertaini­ng last few days listening to Celtic fans speaking with great knowledge about their new signings from Japan. How they gained this wisdom is a mystery, as Japanese football hardly gets saturation coverage in the Scottish media or TV.”

Danny Robertson, Paisley, said: “Celtic sign three new Japanese players and close in on making Jota loan deal permanent but what’s the hot news in their ranks? Rangers transfers and Rangers debts.” Speaking of Jota though,

said: “I think it’s unlikely that Jota will sign permanentl­y, he was a bit vague when asked about it just before he got injured, I think he is waiting to see who might be interested come June.

“Cameron Carter-Vickers is not definite either but more likely than Jota.”


 ?? ?? JOHN TO A WINNER Souttar has a had a stunning season with club and country
GORGIE OR GOVAN Souttar has battled Gers and McPherson, above, knows all about both clubs
JOHN TO A WINNER Souttar has a had a stunning season with club and country GORGIE OR GOVAN Souttar has battled Gers and McPherson, above, knows all about both clubs

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