Daily Record

A baffling & bizarre argument



OF all the tantrums over tiaras and titles, this latest squabble really is quite unique.

The Duke of Sussex’s unpreceden­ted move of threatenin­g court action over the government’s decision is both breathtaki­ng and utterly baffling.

Those in royal circles have almost universall­y questioned the play at hand, not only in its nature but equally in its execution.

True enough, with his background in the military and his position in one of the most famous families in the world – and new celebrity lifestyle – Prince Harry and his family are arguably high-profile targets.

But to suggest he is at a greater risk at home than abroad, where he has chosen to base himself, surely holds very little weight.

Indeed the manner of this row seems even more bizarre in that it is still being argued two years on from being granted his wish to leave his royal role, on the understand­ing that you cannot have everything you want.

This is all before even considerin­g the effect on the Queen, who we are told has been made aware of her grandson’s latest bright idea just as she emerges from one of her most tumultuous periods of recent years.

She faced her first Christmas without her beloved husband before wielding the axe on her son Prince Andrew’s royal career.

The decision to banish Andrew to the wilderness would not have come easily no matter the depths of his fall from grace.

Now, just three weeks before her Platinum Jubilee begins on February 6, Her Majesty is facing down another petulant member of her family for reasons she would be forgiven for assuming had been sorted.

At every turn the Queen has handled Harry’s behaviour with good grace, wishing him well and extending a loving sentiment that he and his family would always be much loved members of her own.

With the season of goodwill to all now behind us, one may wonder how much is left.

 ?? ?? Queen, Meghan & Harry in 2018
Queen, Meghan & Harry in 2018

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