Daily Record



Dear Coleen

I FEEL so down all the time. I thought I’d feel a bit better with going back to work, but that’s just making it worse.

I normally love doing my job, but people have asked what I did over the holidays and the truth is I did nothing. I basically sat in my bedroom for two weeks.

I still live at home with my parents and feel such a burden. I only have one friend, well I say friend, but surely a friend would take a few seconds to reply to my text wishing her a happy new year? She seems to only get in touch if she wants something.

I really can’t bear to think this is how the rest of my life will be.

Every year I say this is the year I’ll buy a house, but I can’t see myself actually doing it.

Please help.

Coleen says

I THINK you need to acknowledg­e that you’re feeling low, but if you sit around all day, thinking about what you haven’t got and that you’ll never buy a house, you probably won’t.

You need to take the first step. That might be finding estate agents online and calling them to tell them what you’re looking for. Get the ball rolling.

The thing is, when you feel depressed, one problem can easily spiral into many others – all those fears and insecuriti­es creep in and you feel so overwhelme­d you don’t want to get out of bed.

But you have to – lying there won’t change a thing. I was feeling very down the other day and my daughter Ciara forced me to go out for a dog walk with her. I didn’t want to, but I can’t tell you how much better I felt after.

You’re not a burden – your mum and dad love you – and so what if you had to tell colleagues you had a boring Christmas? Why not suggest going for a drink after work with them?

Make your challenge this year to try – not everything will work out, but some of it should.

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