Daily Record


Sainsbury’s total £11.29


Sainsbury’s Basics line has been replaced by a string of new names. It has products labelled Hubbard’s Foodstore, Mary Ann’s, The Greengroce­r and Stamford Street throughout the store, which are the cheapest available.

Daily’s medium sliced white bread, 36p 800g – good for toasting, would prefer something softer for sandwiches 3/5 Hubbard’s Foodstore strawberry jam, 28p 454g – lovely, tasty rich jam 4.5/5 Hubbard’s Foodstore chocolate spread 99p, 400g – bit lumpy, but pleasant chocolatey flavour 4/5 Hubbard’s Foodstore chicken soup, 40p 400g – good flavour, hunt the chicken pieces 3/5 Hubbard’s pasta sauce, 39p 440g – you can taste the basil and oregano, but quite soupy in consistenc­y 3.5/5 Stamford Street lasagne £1, 300g – absolute bargain for a quid! Tastes like one you’d eat out 4.5/5 Allcroft’s Deli Classics cheese and onion quiche, £1.45 400g – shortcrust pastry base is lovely with just right amount of crunch, filling is underwhelm­ing 3.5/5 J James and Family wafer thin cooked ham slices, £1.59 400g – good appearance and flavour, not watery and loads of it 4/5 Mary Ann’s cheddar cheese slices, 99p 200g – never judge a cheese slice by its cover, er, colour. This one looks fab but tastes sour. It was the last one in the shop so it might be subjective 1/5 Mary Ann’s fromage frais, 73p 12 x 50g – not too thick, three decent flavours 3.5/5 Hubbard’s Foodstore pineapple pieces, 94p 565g – chunks very small but big value can 4.5/5 Lovett’s milk chocolate digestives, 45p 300g – tastes of proper chocolate with just right amount of crunch 4/5 Hubbard’s Foodstore custard, 32p 385g – neon colour could be seen from space, if you can get past that it’s acceptable 2.5/5 Hubbard’s Foodstore 160 tea bags, £1.09 400g – another nice brew. Might have to rethink my tea bag game 4/5 Hubbard’s Foodstore apple and blackcurra­nt double strength squash, 45p 750ml – really hard to pick between these juices 4/5

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