Daily Record

Robert has done wrong but all my Richard has ever done is look like him

Wife of Da Vinci rapist’s ill brother asks trolls to let him die in peace


thE wife of Da Vinci rapist Robert Greens’ twin brother has begged people to stop hounding her family so that her sick husband can live out his final days in peace.

Lee Greens, who is married to monster Greens’ sibling Richard, shared her plea online after local rumours surfaced the thug had been released from prison and moved into his brother’s home in Hawick.

Posting online, 42-year-old Lee said: “I am Richard’s wife of 25 years. Robert doesn’t live here, he lives in the jail. Yes, Robert has done wrong, but all Richard has ever done is look like him.

“He is not even allowed in the same town as him. When he gets out, we will know, but we don’t know anything yet. Can everyone stop posting stuff like this? If you have a problem, then message me about it.

“My husband is seriously ill. He has not got long left. We don’t need this, we just want a quiet life. We would like some peace from this hell that has followed us for the last 16 years.”

The Scottish Prison Service confirmed that 44-year-old Greens remains behind bars.

The beast was dubbed the Da Vinci rapist for his horrific 2005 attack on a young female student near Rosslyn Chapel in Midlothian, a key location in the book The Da Vinci Code.

His 19-year-old victim suffered horrific injuries. She had been on a sightseein­g visit to the chapel but got lost. She was walking to a friend’s house in nearby Bonnyrigg when she was set upon by Greens. He threw her down a steep embankment, then savagely beat and raped her.

Hardened detectives said it was one of the worst rapes they had seen and could have resulted in murder.

At his High Court trial for the attack in 2006, Robert tried to blame his twin brother Richard. His lawyer said in court that both identical twins shared the same DNA but this was rejected by the court.

Afterwards, Richard said he had forgiven his brother for trying to blame him and insisted he would be standing by him. But he later severed ties with his brother after he visited him in jail and failed to get answers over why he had blamed him for the vicious crime.

Richard said: “I said if he did not give me answers, I would not speak to him again. He did not give me answers and so I have not.”

Six years later, in 2012, Richard told the Daily Record how he was attacked by a vigilante gang who held him at gunpoint after mistaking him for his brother.

The dad of five said his life has been wrecked by his brother. He said: “I wish I could get a new face. I hate him for what he has done to me. I don’t have a life any more.”

He also told how in the months following the rape, he and his wife had to flee one town and had a petrol bomb lobbed at another home.

He added: “I am watching my back 24/7. I am scared all the time.

“Everywhere I go, all I hear is ‘beast, beast’.”

 ?? John paul clark ?? lookalikES Robert Greens, dubbed The Da Vinci rapist after a vicious sexual assault in 2006, is blamed for ruining the life of his twin brother Richard, who is now dying by
John paul clark lookalikES Robert Greens, dubbed The Da Vinci rapist after a vicious sexual assault in 2006, is blamed for ruining the life of his twin brother Richard, who is now dying by

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