Daily Record

“At 67, I have almost no pain and I regained all the mobility in my joints

The amazing story of a woman who is already a grandmothe­r twice: a natural active ingredient found in chicken eggs that helps relieve joint pain and restore joint mobility. Your bones and cartilage can regenerate.


At home, everything started to change slowly with my routine. When I woke up in the morning, my left knee was sometimes a little lower than the right. Shortly after, I also started having twinges in the right shoulder. I didn't pay much attention to it, until one day I could hardly move anymore. I was stiff and my joints were sore. I started to get really worried: I have osteoarthr­itis in my family and my Mother especially suffered from unbearable pain all the time. I didn't want to meet the same fate.

My ordeal lasted two years. Then I was finally relieved...

It was a terrible experience, because I had pain with every step. I could no longer accompany my husband by going for walks, and our dog looked at me sadly because he did not understand why I did not want to play with him in the garden. I was so desperate for a solution then one of

my colleagues showed me an article published by pain experts about a socalled “eggshell” membrane. I read the article from cover to cover, and made the firm decision to immediatel­y test these tablets containing this new natural active ingredient. And that's what I did. What can I say… Today, I am no longer the same. The pain is almost gone completely, I jump out of bed in the morning with no pain and I also feel more agile and mobile than ever before, all day long.

A wonderful experience: to be able to move again, with movable joints.

Marion Hill had a wonderful experience thanks to Ovomed, and again sees her life in a new light. This is due to this phenomenon: we have all already observed the membrane that stays stuck in the shell hard-boiled or freshly cracked eggs. That eggshell membrane is composed of two thin layers of connective tissue where the chicken embryo is implanted, which cushions blows and protects it from micro-organisms.

And the decisive aspect...

Scientists have discovered that the compositio­n eggshell membrane correspond­s almost 100% to the human cartilage rebuilders.

That's why each capsule of Ovomed contains a highly concentrat­ed eggshell membrane associated according to a special formula to 12 additional natural ingredient­s for developmen­t in muscles and the mobilizati­on of joints.

The pain disappears: fast and effective relief for joint pain

Experience shows that Ovomed and its powdered eggshell membrane is a natural substance that protects the cartilage. In effect, Ovomed contains the best natural active ingredient­s to help protect joints, bones and the invertebra­te discs. Ovomed also contains additional plant active ingredient­s that help fight against cartilage deteriorat­ion and limitation of mobility. Experience confirms that after only taking Ovomed for a short time most patients already reported a noticeable improvemen­t.

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