Daily Record



Glasgow & West

Mainly cloudy with the odd heavy shower. Max 17C (63F). Winds SW at 9-11mph. UV index: 5.

Edinburgh, Fife & Borders

Mainly dry but a heavy shower is possible. Max 19C (66F). Winds SW at 8-10mph. UV index: 5.

Dundee & Aberdeen

Heavy showers with largely cloudy skies. Max 15C (59F). Winds NW at 6-8mph. UV index: 5.

Forth Valley

Bright but the risk of a heavy shower. Max 19C (66F). Winds SW at 8-10mph. UV index: 5.

Inverness & Moray

Cloudy with heavy showers. Max 16C (61F). Winds E at 2-4mph. UV index: 4. Highlands & Islands

Mostly cloudy with the chance of a shower. Max 15C (59F). Winds S at 3-5mph. UV index: 5.


Moon sets: -

Moon rises: 6.16am

Sun sets: 10.05pm

Sun rises: 4.37am

Lighting-up time: 10.05pm

High water: Greenock 2.19am, 2.56pm Aberdeen 3.26am, 3.57pm Leith 4.47am, 5.11pm

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