Daily Record




also know what the future holds for Alfredo Morelos and Ryan Kent and although the general feeling is that both of them will move on, I’m not sure that’s going to happen.

I honestly think Morelos will sign a new contract and I wouldn’t be surprised if Kent did the same over the next couple of weeks, even though he will still have aspiration­s of playing in the Premier League.

And if I’m right, then van Bronckhors­t is going to have a real job on his hands just trying to pick a front three from all the attackers he’ll have in his armoury.

Think about it for a second. Kent, Morelos, Colak, Lawrence, Matondo as well as the likes of Kemar Roofe, Fashion Sakala and Scott Wright?

And that’s before Ianis Hagi gets back to full fitness around September time.

That’s nine players fighting it out for three places – 10 if you add youngster Alex Lowry to the mix – and it sends out a mouthwater­ing signal of what van Bronckhors­t’s Rangers are going to be all about next season.

Some people might look at it and say the squad is in danger of becoming bloated. But not me.

No, a manager can’t get enough good players and Gio now has a mix of forwards with all different kinds of qualities.

Depending on the challenge he’s facing, he has players who can unlock the door whether it’s with clever movement, sheer brute power, a bit of trickery or just scorching pace.

Mouthwater­ing? You better believe it. And I have to say, I’m very excited about the two Welsh internatio­nals who have just been signed up.

Derby were almost the biggest story in English football last season as they fought to stay in the Championsh­ip despite a 21-point deduction. And every time I watched them, Lawrence stood out a country mile.

And I absolutely can’t wait to get a first look at young Matondo who has the potential to be a frightenin­g talent.

This young kid has pace to like Matondo, Sakala, Kent and Wright running at defences next season it’s no wonder Rangers fans are starting to get excited about what might be to come.

Can you imagine what training is going to be like with these guys all trying to prove to the manager that they should be in his starting line-up?

The place will be electric and that can only be a massive positive for the team.

The way I’m feeling right now, this new season can’t come quickly enough.

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