Daily Record

An injection of reason?



FEW issues have set the internet alight over the past couple of years like the subject of anti-vaxxers.

But TV mathematic­ian Professor Hannah Fry, who worked on government modelling during the first lockdown, believes it’s important to bridge the gap with calm, informed conversati­ons rather than keyboard fury, especially with Covid still so present in our lives.

Approximat­ely four million people are still unvaccinat­ed in the UK and Hannah invites seven of them to live in a house with her for a week.

Each has their own reason for saying no to the jab.

Luca buys into social media conspiracy theories and fears the vaccine contains a microchip, while Naomi has been put off by misinforma­tion about it impacting fertility, and Mark just wants the right to choose.

Meanwhile, Chanelle mistrusts the medical establishm­ent in general, and protester Nazarin worries about side-effects.

Hannah sits down with the group and while some are keen for a robust discussion of the issues, others are immediatel­y defensive.

She tries to address some of the most common worries, by taking them to speak to experts, visiting a vaccine research facility and attempting to illustrate the true likelihood of the most common side-effects.

At the end of the experience, she will ask each of them if they have reconsider­ed where they stand, and whether any would actually agree to have the vaccine as a result of these conversati­ons.

But it’s going to be an uphill battle if she wants to change anyone’s mind.

 ?? ?? DUBIOUS Professor Hannah Fry tries to convince anti-vaxxers to have the Covid jab
DUBIOUS Professor Hannah Fry tries to convince anti-vaxxers to have the Covid jab

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