Daily Record

Jenz ready to show art of defence in Glasgow


MORITZ JENZ has revealed how he’ll keep calm in Glasgow’s goldfish bowl – by visiting its museums.

The defender, in at Celtic on loan from Lorient, says he looks to model his game on ex-Bayern Munich hero Jerome Boateng and Italy captain Leonardo Bonucci.

And while the pair serve to inspire him on the pitch, off it he’s looking to the local cultural hotspots.

The 23-year-old said: “It might sound a bit odd but I’m not interested in material things.

“I didn’t buy an expensive watch or anything like that when I got my first salary.

“The money stays in my account for the difficult times ahead.

“I love visiting museums. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a history or an art museum, somehow it calms me down and inspires me. I’m passionate about ocean conservati­on. Everyone has

the same responsibi­lity for a clean world.

“On holiday once, I saw what happens when animals come into contact with plastic. It is my duty to draw attention to the dangers of microplast­ics.”

Jenz has had spells in France, Switzerlan­d as well as England and added: “I don’t see myself as a classic central defender who tries to ruin the game.

“I see myself more as the first line of attack and a player who builds up play.

“I love having the game in front of me, dictating what pace we go at. I try to learn a lot from my role models, Boateng and Bonucci.

“I’d love a career as good as either of them but football isn’t about aspiration­s – it’s about creating and fulfilling a dream.”

Jenz returns to Britain having been at Fulham for five years. He said: “If there’s one thing I learned in England, it was not to put up with anything and to show toughness in the game.”


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