Daily Record


Passers-by helped to put out the fire


A SEX killer who put her neighbours’ lives in danger by torching her home has been ordered to carry out 300 hours’ community service.

Victoria Kydd, who was trying to “burn her old life,” has also been placed under social work supervisio­n for three years. Dundonian Kydd stuffed paper and clothes into pans on her cooker and set them on fire.

Passers-by spotted the blaze and put it out.

Dundee Sheriff Court was told that when the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service were at the scene Kydd tried to torch the flat for a second time.

The court heard how Kydd, 43, had previously served five years for stabbing lover John Lofthouse, 32, to death when he refused to have sex.

Fiscal depute Gavin Burton told the court: “The accused had been in a relationsh­ip with Daryl Mayer for three years. It ended in 2018 and they remained friends. He visited on 5 January, 2021.

“He saw her setting light to papers using the gas hob. He asked what she was doing, and she said she was burning her old life. She became angry and told him to leave. He left.”

Stuart and Elaine Ingram were walking past the property when they heard a smoke alarm and looked up to see flames.

“Mr Ingram went inside with another unknown male and went to the kitchen which was full of smoke. They saw pots full of clothes and paper on top of the hob.”

They put the fire out and discovered Kydd breaking windows.

Firefighte­rs arrived and discovered the burnt clothing in the sink. Kydd refused to come out of her bedroom but asked a firefighte­r for a glass of water.

Moments later he heard the fire alarm again and went upstairs to discover Kydd standing over the cooker, with a new batch of smoulderin­g blankets.

Kydd then threw a lit cigarette at an officer as he approached to arrest her.

 ?? ?? TROUBLED Victoria Kydd
TROUBLED Victoria Kydd

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