Daily Record

The name game


Hidden in the grid is the name of an animator. Answer the questions, then rearrange the letters correspond­ing to your answers to fill in the name.

BOX1: Complete the title of this children’s book by Clare Balding: The Racehorse Who Wouldn’t __?

Stop (Q) Race (U) Gallop (A)

BOX2: By what other name is Jerusalem’s Western Wall known?

The Welcome Wall (V) The Wailing Wall (Y) The Waiting Wall (X)

BOX3: From which English city do the members of rock band Ocean Colour Scene hail?

Manchester (G) Birmingham (I) Preston (K)

BOX4: What type of creature is a dotterel? Bird (L) Insect (M) Marsupial (Z)


Leg-cutter and asking rate are terms used in which sport?

Tennis (V) Golf (L) Cricket (W) BOX6: Anthony Hopkins plays the role of Dr Robert Ford in which US TV show?

House of Cards (E) Westworld (D) Stranger Things (I)

BOX7: In what year did the US folk singer Jim Croce die in an air crash at the age of 30?

1973 (T) 1983 (Q) 1993 (X)

BOX8: The indri is the largest living species of what?

Antelope (B) Lemur (N) Frog (Z)

BOX9: With which sport is Steve Davis associated?

Luge (K) Cricket (X) Snooker (S)

BOX10: Daryl McCormack (pictured) starred opposite which British actress in the 2022 comedy film Good Luck to You, Leo Grande? Tilda Swinton (L) Emma Thompson (E) Kate Winslet (R)

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