Daily Record

I met lots of menopausal women on brink of divorce or suicide

The 41-year-old TV host tells us about her new documentar­y, Women’s Health: Breaking The Taboos, and her favourite shows


You make documentar­ies but do you like watching them?

I love a good documentar­y. I just watched one called Keep Sweet: Pray And Obey on Netflix and it’s about a cult in America where women are very much in servitude to the men, who often have multiple wives. It’s very harrowing but brilliantl­y made.

What’s your favourite show?

I’m a die-hard fan of Friends. My daughter and I watch it together. It’s really soothing. I’m a sensitive person and sometimes the news makes me feel anxious, so Friends is an antidote to what’s going on in the world.

What are you binge-watching?

I’m really enjoying The Boys – it’s a superhero show but really evil. I love the new series of Stranger Things too.

Who is the funniest person on TV?

I’m not sure about TV but I think the funniest person on the planet is Will Ferrell. He makes me laugh so much. I also hear he’s a really nice person.

Where do you watch TV?

Mostly in bed, which is funny because in the past I said no to a TV in the bedroom. But now I put my two kids to bed, get into my pyjamas and then snuggle under the duvet with a cup of camomile tea. It’s a revelation.

What are you working on next?

I’m hosting Women’s Health: Breaking The Taboos, all about highlighti­ng “embarrassi­ng” female health problems. When I was asked to host it, I did a little dance, I was so thrilled to make a programme that I really think is going to help women. It’s jam-packed full of informatio­n but also funny.

What did you learn?

I’ve met so many women who were on the brink of divorce and had even considered suicide while going through menopause. A lot get misdiagnos­ed or put on antidepres­sants. I also learned a lot about endometrio­sis and how under-researched it is.

Do you have anything else coming up?

I’m back for a new series of 10 Years Younger in 10 Days this summer and another series of Inside The Factory.

Women’s Health: Breaking The Taboos is available now on My5

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HAIRRAISIN­G... On Inside The Factory with Gregg Wallace

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