Daily Record

We can be confident in process


The SNP is a broad church united by a shared goal of independen­ce and creating the fairer, more equal and more progressiv­e Scotland that we all know is possible.

We are also united by our unwavering belief in democracy.

The SNP is making the decision on who should be Scotland’s next leader. The contest has led to a huge exercise in party democracy.

Nine hustings have enabled every one of the more than 70,000 members of our party to see the candidates questioned.

TV hustings have shown the nation who could be their next first minister and I believe have shown the SNP we work better when we support each other, not attack and undermine each other, nor our excellent track record.

When the ballots are counted it will be done by an independen­t, widely recognised ballot services company. It has a reputation for integrity. It is used by other firms and its been used by the SNP for internal elections in the past.

Candidates in this contest have won internal contests using this very system. And it has been used in SNP deputy leadership contests.

The election process itself is member led. That democratic, member-led independen­t process is one I believe party members should have confidence in.

The responsibi­lity of selecting the next leader should be a heavy one. It is a decision being taken by the SNP on behalf of the country.

And SNP members have that unique opportunit­y because by standing on a progressiv­e policy platform, the SNP has won election after election in recent times.

Those wins have come as a result of earning the trust of voters.

Those wishing to throw suspicion on their own party’s democratic process, with no credible evidence, do harm to that reputation.

No candidate should seek to undermine the result and all should be campaignin­g right until the end. I know Humza yousaf will be.

because what the SNP needs is a progressiv­e leader like Humza who can command support from our membership and elected representa­tives. With poll after poll showing Humza is the SNP voters’ favourite, it is crystal clear he is the leader we need on the next, and final, stage of Scotland’s journey to independen­ce.

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