Daily Record

Model debut mum

Angela ’s bravery hailed by singer Michelle


A mum of three who was hit with breast cancer within weeks of her daughter’s diagnosis for the same condition has made her modelling debut – aged 61.

Angela Jones took part in a photoshoot with Liberty x pop star Michelle Heaton, 44, and four other women from around the UK. all have been affected by breast cancer.

Angela, from edinburgh, and her daughter Mary, 32, were diagnosed with breast cancer within weeks of each other in december 2021. Both have since undergone surgeries, treatment and radiothera­py.

The pink-themed shoot was for a fashion fundraiser set up by celebrity designer brand Raishma in aid of Breast Cancer now. the pictures were taken by leading internatio­nal photograph­er sanjay Jogia, who lost his mother to breast cancer.

Titled “still Me”, the images will appear on Raishma’s website where a collection of dresses are available. ten per cent of every dress sold in the next year will go to breast cancer awareness.

Angela graced the catwalk in a dress by Raishma. she said: “the whole experience was a huge boost. the women were very supportive of each other and we shared a lot of laughter and some special memories. to feel beautiful and empowered after the breast cancer experience was life-affirming.

“Mary surprised me by turning up at the studio. it was great to have her support after all we’ve been through together.”

she added: “october is the official month of breast cancer awareness but, for anyone impacted by it, the after-effects of the cancer and treatments are ongoing. every day is precious.”

Michelle, who shared some of the images from the shoot on her Instagram feed, said: “I was so pleased to meet Angela and was moved to learn about how she and Mary were diagnosed around the same time. They are inspiratio­nal.”

Mary hosts an instagram account – @thetaleoft­wotits – to raise awareness of breast cancer.

 ?? ?? PinK TheMe Angela with Michelle Heaton
PinK TheMe Angela with Michelle Heaton
 ?? ?? BRAVE BATTLE Mary and Angela
BRAVE BATTLE Mary and Angela

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