Daily Record

I was sceptical of ‘wonder’ machine but after 28 days’ treatment I jumped for joy

- chris kamara

IN THE final extract from his new book Kammy, 65-year-old former footballer and tV pundit Chris Kamara talks about some of the most difficult and heartbreak­ing moments in his life – the loss of his parents, his decision to finally go public with his apraxia diagnosis and the treatment that has changed his life...

A FEW weeks ago, I found myself on the floor at Dallas/fort Worth airport, where me and Anne [his wife] were changing planes on our way from Heathrow to Mexico. It was about a half-mile walk to the departure gate and after a few hundred yards my body began to seize up.

eventually I fell to the floor. My knee took the brunt of the fall and I needed assistance to get back on my feet. I was embarrasse­d more than anything.

What hit home was the look on Anne’s face. She was totally horrified that my situation had come to this.

As I hobbled the rest of the way it was more confirmati­on this journey was more than justified. After all else had failed with my apraxia, we’d travelled to Mexico for one last throw of the dice.

A doctor, Rohit Kulkarni, had contacted me and explained he was involved in groundbrea­king treatment which could reverse my condition.

My friend [TV host] Ben Shephard had been urging me to chat to Kate Garraway about the treatment which Rohit had mentioned. Kate was keen to help. Her husband Derek had undergone the experiment­al treatment himself in Mexico following his well-documented recovery from Covid which left him with numerous health issues.

Although Derek wasn’t fully recovered, Kate assured me the method had, indeed, worked wonders for him.

A Zoom meeting was arranged with the scientist behind this exciting lifeline, Dr Roberto Trujillo. It took no time for me to be convinced that I had nothing to lose. I’d exhausted all other avenues.

Our first day at NeuroCyton­ix, in Monterrey, Mexico, was busy. I had tests, which included taking blood, and checking my memory, and was asked to perform several small moves with my hands and feet to test my dwindling co-ordination before being whisked for an MRI scan of my brain.

The next day, I began the first of 28 one-hour sessions in the “wonder” machine. In front of me was a tube with two open ends which transmits radio frequency and magnetic fields into the body as the patient lies inside. Unlike an MRI scanner, though, there is no noise – to the extent that you are actually left wondering exactly what is happening for the hour you’re in there.

The sophistica­ted equipment was primarily programmed to target my brain but the doctors decided my back, knees and neck also needed attention to aid my balance, strength and co-ordination.

I was very sceptical about this fix-all machine. However, here I was, with a willing and enthusiast­ic team of medics who were absolutely confident I’d soon see positive results.

By day eight, I began testing my balance to see if there was any improvemen­t. Anne was amazed when I was able to stand on my left foot and raise my right off the floor, holding the position for 30 seconds. A real breakthrou­gh. It

meant my brain was sending the signal out and, at last, my body was responding.

Day 28 soon arrived. In the afternoon I had a call from Dr Trujillo. He was excited to tell me my brain had reacted to the treatment and I now had 2000-plus more neural pathways – the bundles of fibres which connect one area of the nervous system to another – than when I’d arrived.

His elation was evident, and very infectious. Anne and I were jumping for joy.

We knew I was so much better but to see the scans, the evidence in pictures, was amazing.

We were on cloud nine. All in all, I was 75 per cent of how I used to be. They tell me I’ll continue to improve over the coming months.

If that’s the case, bring it on!

To see the scans was amazing.. i was 75 per cent of how i was and i’ll keep improving

 ?? ?? ToUgH Playing for home town club Middlesbro­ugh in 1993
BacKiNg Wife Anne supported Kammy
RegReT Kammy missed mum’s passing
ToUgH Playing for home town club Middlesbro­ugh in 1993 BacKiNg Wife Anne supported Kammy RegReT Kammy missed mum’s passing
 ?? ?? MEDICAL MARVEL Chris with Dr Roberto Trujillo at the centre in Mexico
HoPe Football TV host had 28 sessions in Cytotron machine
MEDICAL MARVEL Chris with Dr Roberto Trujillo at the centre in Mexico HoPe Football TV host had 28 sessions in Cytotron machine

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