Daily Record



Devastated ex of law student who traded nude snaps of her online hits out as he dodges jail and avoids place on sex offenders’ register

A WOMAN whose law student boyfriend traded explicit photos of her online said that she was “devastated” after he avoided being put on the sex offenders’ register.

Lucas Richardson, 24, also dodged a prison term for his vile behaviour at Edinburgh Sheriff Court yesterday.

The creep sent images of his partner – including some of them having sex – to a woman in the US he met on an LGBTQ dating website on SnapChat.

Sheriff Roderick Flinn told

him he had escaped jail by a “margin” as he imposed two years of supervisio­n.

And he didn’t add Richardson to the sex offenders’ register after deciding his conduct was due to “immaturity and stupidity” rather than a desire for “sexual gratificat­ion”.

Last night the victim said: “I’m really devastated by the news. He’s still studying law and he’s not on the register. It seems a bit like he got away with it all.”

Richardson and his victim were in a relationsh­ip at St Andrews University and the couple consensual­ly shared intimate pictures and videos.

But she was outraged when she discovered that he had traded their private pics without her permission.

She now fears the images will now re-surface online.

The victim added: “I disagree with there supposedly being no sexual element to it.

“He was absolutely getting off to everything he was sent and everything he was doing, something he admitted to me in person. He said it was the ‘taboo’ of it all.

“I personally believe he should be put on the register.

Defence agent Ross Gardner said his client “clearly regrets his actions” and was aware of “effect on the mental health” of his ex.

Mr Gardner said Richardson was now living and studying in London, and knew his conviction would have “consequenc­es beyond today”.

Sheriff Flinn replied: “Those consequenc­es he must accept.”

The sheriff also slapped a non-harassment order on

Richardson banning him from contacting his ex-partner for three years.

Last month Richardson pled guilty to a charge of causing her fear, alarm or distress by sharing the material.

Fiscal depute Clare Green told how the couple had been on a night out in the capital when Richardson “stormed off ” drunk and left behind his phone.

His suspicious partner checked the device and found an LGBTQ dating app on the phone and a SnapChat account whose contents left her shocked.

 ?? ?? CREEP Student Lucas Richardson
CREEP Student Lucas Richardson
 ?? ?? SORDID Our front page on Richardson
SORDID Our front page on Richardson

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