Daily Record


- David Mccarthy

STUART KETTLEWELL welcomed Arsenal kid Mika Biereth back into the Fir Park fold as he revealed Pape Souare is facing time out due to a “freak” ankle injury from a bounce game.

The Motherwell boss arranged a closed-doors match among his squad on Sunday to make up for their clash with St Johnstone the day before being called off.

But it came at a cost for the Senegal internatio­nal as Kettlewell said: “Pape’s got an ankle injury and it does look as if it’s quite a bad one. The medical guys have been right on top of it, he’s been to see a specialist, he’s had a scan and been to see another specialist.

“It does look as if he will miss a period of time and just when we felt he was fully back up to speed from his calf injury. I don’t think it could be avoided, it was a bit of a freak accident.

“He was going to block a shot in the bounce game and his foot got trapped underneath him. The ankle moves in a direction in which it has quite clearly sustained a decent degree of damage.” While the wingback is out, Kettlewell has been delighted to welcome Denmark Under-21 striker Biereth back into the building after rehabbing a knee injury suffered in only his second game on loan.

He said: “Constant calls and messages to myself and the rest of the staff and the players that he is anxious and desperate to get back up here probably tells us a story.

“When he walked in the other morning he had a big smile and he is happy to be here. We’ll just keep going with that sort of mentality.”

Ross County beckon tomorrow and he added: “Mika will be in a position where he can hopefully offer us something but we do have to be cautious.”

 ?? ?? ONE IN, ONE OUT Kettlewell
ONE IN, ONE OUT Kettlewell

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